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Networking Question

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Technical User
Jan 10, 2005
My client is running a windows p2p peer to peer network.

I want to be able to run the system from any pc on the network.

Here is my delima. I want to load pictures of students. I store the path in a database and retreive and display when the image when record is selected. Works fine on single user. How do I set in up to only load the pictures from the pc that is running the program. Justpath work or will it return the drive letter??

I'd recommend storing the UNC path (which is like: \\ServerName\ShareName\Folder\Folder\File.ext )

Here's a function to convert from drive-letter path to UNC path:

* From [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.civilsolutions.com.au/publications/getuncpath.htm[/URL]
* Program....: GetUNCPath.prg
* Version....: 1.0
* Author.....: Andrew Coates
* Date.......: September 28, 1998
* Notice.....: Copyright © 1998 Civil Solutions, All 
* Rights Reserved.
* Compiler...: Visual FoxPro for Windows
* Abstract...: Wrapper to the API call that converts a
* mapped drive path to the UNC path
* Changes....:
* Originally used WNetGetUniversalName, but that 
* doesn't work under Win95 (see KB Q131416). Now uses
* WNetGetConnection which uses a string rather than a
* structure so STRUCTURE_HEADER is now 0        

lParameters tcMappedPath, tnBufferSize        

* from winnetwk.h
#define UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO_LEVEL 0x00000001
#define REMOTE_NAME_INFO_LEVEL 0x00000002
* from winerror.h
#define NO_ERROR 0
#define ERROR_BAD_DEVICE 1200
#define ERROR_MORE_DATA 234
#define ERROR_NO_NETWORK 1222
* local decision - paths are not likely to be longer
* than this - if they are, this function calls itself
* recursively with the appropriate buffer size as the 
* second parameter
* string length at the beginning of the structure 
* returned before the UNC path
* ACC changed to 0 on 9/10/98 - Now using 
* WnetGetConnection which uses a string rather than a 
* struct
local lcReturnValue
if type('tcMappedPath') = "C" and ! isnull(tcMappedPath)
	* split up the passed path to get just the drive
	local lcDrive, lcPath
	* just take the first two characters - we'll put it 
	* all back together later. If the first two 
	* characters are not a valid drive, that's OK. The 
	* error value returned from the function call will 
	* handle it.
	* case statement ensures we don't get the "cannot 
	* access beyond end of string" error
	do case
	case len(tcMappedPath) > 2
		lcDrive = left(tcMappedPath, 2)
		lcPath = substr(tcMappedPath, 3)
	case len(tcMappedPath) <= 2
		lcDrive = tcMappedPath
		lcPath = ""
	declare INTEGER WNetGetConnection IN WIN32API ;
		STRING @lpLocalPath, ;
		STRING @lpBuffer, ;
		INTEGER @lpBufferSize
	* set up some variables so the appropriate call can 
	* be made
	local lcLocalPath, lcBuffer, lnBufferSize, ;
	lnResult, lcStructureString
	* set to +1 to allow for the null terminator
	lnBufferSize = iif(pcount() = 1 or type('tnBufferSize') # "N" or isnull(tnBufferSize), ;
	tnBufferSize) + 1
	lcLocalPath = lcDrive
	lcBuffer = space(lnBufferSize)
	* now call the dll function
	lnResult = WNetGetConnection(@lcLocalPath, @lcBuffer, @lnBufferSize)
	do case
	* string translated sucessfully
	case lnResult = NO_ERROR 
		* Actually, this structure-stripping is no longer
		* required because WnetGetConnection() returns a
		* string rather than a struct
		lcStructureString = alltrim(substr(lcBuffer, STRUCTURE_HEADER + 1))
		lcReturnValue = left(lcStructureString, ;
			at(chr(0), lcStructureString) - 1) + lcPath
	* The string pointed to by lpLocalPath is invalid.
	case lnResult = ERROR_BAD_DEVICE 
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
	* There is no current connection to the remote 
	* device, but there is a remembered (persistent) 
	* connection to it.
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
	* A network-specific error occurred. Use the 
	* WNetGetLastError function to obtain a description 
	* of the error.
	case lnResult = ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR 
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
	* The buffer pointed to by lpBuffer is too small. 
	* The function sets the variable pointed to by 
	* lpBufferSize to the required buffer size.
	case lnResult = ERROR_MORE_DATA 
		lcReturnValue = getuncpath(tcMappedPath, lnBufferSize)
	* None of the providers recognized this local name 
	* as having a connection. However, the network is 
	* not available for at least one provider to whom 
	* the connection may belong.
	case lnResult = ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH 
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
	* There is no network present.
	case lnResult = ERROR_NO_NETWORK 
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
	* The device specified by lpLocalPath is not 
	* redirected.
	case lnResult = ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED 
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
		lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath

	lcReturnValue = tcMappedPath
return lcReturnValue

- Bill

Get the best answers to your questions -- See FAQ481-4875.
One caution: For the above function to work, the path you hand it must be a network-mapped-path (or unc), for it to return the UNC path.

If you are sitting on the computer that is the server, and hand it a path like C:\whatever\pictures\file.jpg, then it won't translate that to UNC, since it's not using a network to get it.

However, if you are at another computer, and hand it Q:\whatever\pictures\file.jpg,
and Q: is mapped to \\Server\CDrive
It will return \\Server\CDrive\whatever\pictures\file.jpg

- Bill

Get the best answers to your questions -- See FAQ481-4875.
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