How much is the exam? I thought about taking it. The A+ cost the company I used to work for $250 for me to take it. James Collins
Field Service Engineer
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The Network+ exam cost me $199.00; that was for a non-member. According to the CompTIA web site, each exam, other than the A+, is $199.00 for non-members.
It worked great! When I scheduled my appointment for my exam, I told them that I'll be paying with a voucher, and they were okay with that. If you do buy a voucher, be sure to purchase the one that is appropriate for the test center that you'll be going to. For instance, I got the VUE voucher. you'll want to find out if your test center is VUE, or Prometric.
Gary I saw what you wrote about how you prepared for your network+ test. I tried amazon and barnes and noble and they didn't have the network+ cram exam book. I finally tried the used section of amazon and they charged me 11.00 for the book and it looked new, it also came next day. The company that sold it was books4less. I will keep you updated as to if I pass and when.
Cross your fingers and toes,
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