Here's the situation, a friend has a small office network that recently converted from one internet provider to another. They currently have several PC's and laptops on the network. Since the conversion any wired workstation is 3 to 4 times slower in accessing the internet (as seen in both DSL speed tests and real world downloads) than the wireless connected laptops. The same speed discrepancy holds true in pinging the LAN router from either source.
The service provider has been out several times to look at the problem and has replaced outside wiring and supposedly corrected an issue with one of their (the service provider's) external switches configuration but the problem still remains the same. (Not too surprisingly IMHO given that to me the evidence points to the LAN side of things).
My friend also tried changing MTU values on the wired workstations and running TCP optimization software but also to no effect.
I've googled on the general issue and was surprised to find that it is not as uncommon as I'd expected though suggested solutions were pretty much limited to the TCP tweaking variety.
Does anyone have any other suggestions re: troubleshooting or resolving this issue?
The service provider has been out several times to look at the problem and has replaced outside wiring and supposedly corrected an issue with one of their (the service provider's) external switches configuration but the problem still remains the same. (Not too surprisingly IMHO given that to me the evidence points to the LAN side of things).
My friend also tried changing MTU values on the wired workstations and running TCP optimization software but also to no effect.
I've googled on the general issue and was surprised to find that it is not as uncommon as I'd expected though suggested solutions were pretty much limited to the TCP tweaking variety.
Does anyone have any other suggestions re: troubleshooting or resolving this issue?