I've got a RH80 box running in a network of windows computers. All the windows computers log on a domain. I have been able to access shared folders found on a windows box.
I want to print to a printer currently attached to a windows PC. I have run: redhat-config-printer-tui and configure the printer but I can't see the printer when i try to print in GUI in OpenOffice. I have also run redhat-config-printer-gui and the printer previously configured in tui can be seen. I have also add an alias for the printer there.
The configuration are as follows:
Queue name: Printerhp
Queue type: Windows Print Queue SMB
Share: printersharename
Host: Hostip
Workgroup: localwgp
User: username
Password: password
And then select the correct printer.
I can see the printer in some programs like Kate but when I try to print on it, nothing happens. I have run the tool 'Openoffice.org printer setup' in the gui but i can't see the correct printer to select when I choose 'Add printer' and when I choose one at random it asks "Enter a command line appropriate for this device".
I have checked the daemon 'lpd' in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d it's ok.
I'm lost now, any idea!
I've got a RH80 box running in a network of windows computers. All the windows computers log on a domain. I have been able to access shared folders found on a windows box.
I want to print to a printer currently attached to a windows PC. I have run: redhat-config-printer-tui and configure the printer but I can't see the printer when i try to print in GUI in OpenOffice. I have also run redhat-config-printer-gui and the printer previously configured in tui can be seen. I have also add an alias for the printer there.
The configuration are as follows:
Queue name: Printerhp
Queue type: Windows Print Queue SMB
Share: printersharename
Host: Hostip
Workgroup: localwgp
User: username
Password: password
And then select the correct printer.
I can see the printer in some programs like Kate but when I try to print on it, nothing happens. I have run the tool 'Openoffice.org printer setup' in the gui but i can't see the correct printer to select when I choose 'Add printer' and when I choose one at random it asks "Enter a command line appropriate for this device".
I have checked the daemon 'lpd' in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d it's ok.
I'm lost now, any idea!