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Network Hanging for File Copying.

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Oct 5, 2014
Hi folks,

I know that there has been past discussion about this topic, but it's never been resolved in the forum that I have found.

The topic that is close to my issue is
Currently I have several PCs on the network, and the copying process often stalls and just sits there at 5 seconds remaining when copying MORE than 1 file.

At times it hangs on the DISCOVERING FILES part of the dialogue. And the rest of the time it hangs when it's almost done.

It only happens for that one PC when copying to any machine that is ABOVE XP.

Copying to XP machine is fine, copying to a unix Server is fine. But copying to Windows 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, Vista, even 8. Copying to Windows after XP just hangs. It happens a lot. Every now and again it's working fine, then it just starts playing up again.

Any resolution to this?

Another Windows 7 PC can copy just fine to the machines, even the machine with the issue.

So I know that it's not the NIC or anything else on the network, it's something within Windows 7 that is causing the issue, just on that machine. And it has ben rebuilt several times to try to resolve the issue because that was what was htought to be the issue. but it's not.

1. Are all the workstations on a domain?

2. What happens when you reverse the direction of the copy, meaning you copy from the other Win7 PC? Does it have the same issue?

3. How are all workstations connected? Wireless or Ethernet? Mix?

4. Does the problem occur right after both Win7 PC's have been rebooted?

"The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be."

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1. yes.
2. As per my original message...
"Another Windows 7 PC can copy just fine to the machines, even the machine with the issue."
3. Mixed, but have tried both and happens with both.
4. as per my original message...
"It happens a lot. Every now and again it's working fine, then it just starts playing up agaain"
" And it has ben rebuilt several times to try to resolve the issue because that was what was htought to be the issue. but it's not."

4. In other words, yes.
you are not trying to resolve the issue, you are just trying to provide a temporary solution by using external software that will not FIX the problem.

I'm here to try to resolve the issue, not just have a temporary solution.

and no, I have not tried them because they will not fix the problem.
^^^^^^^^^^It still might be a good troubleshooting step to see if ANY means will allow transferring files without hanging. Be more open to troubleshooting steps as they can shed light on the overall issue. I don't think it was a dumb suggestion. Tangential to SOLVING maybe, but not a waste of time.

"Living tomorrow is everyone's sorrow.
Modern man's daydreams have turned into nightmares.
I have to agree with goomba.
I would have tried the same things in the process of troubleshooting... "Ok, it hangs when I drag a file on the GUI, but not when I use Robocopy or Teracopy"

They are valid troubleshooting steps.

A programmer should know this. :)

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

Thanks and sorry for missing some of the information you provided the first time around.

Just curious here, but how is the copy being performed? Are you using this format? \\targetpc\c$

I realize it works fine copying to an XP and Unix destination, but this would be helpful to know. Also as a test, try to copy two large files (at least 30MB) instead of a folder with a lot of files. I'm wondering if it makes any difference. While you're at it, make sure all critical and recommended Windows updates are installed. If you see your NIC listed under "recommeded" updates, don't install it. You should be using the latest driver provided by the manufacturer (HP, Dell, etc.) while we're trying to sort through this. If you think it might have accidentally been updated at some point, force a reinstall from the manufacturer's site.

"The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be."

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You should be using the latest driver provided by the manufacturer (HP, Dell, etc.) while we're trying to sort through this.
Very good point. Hardware updates provided by Microsoft update are often dubious or even WRONG.

Have you tried anything with the switch connecting these devices? For fun, you could substitute a router with the DHCP disabled to act as a switch with 3 worksttations connected and try the copying that way. Switches can get frogged up and cause problems.

There is also the issue of duplex/speed. Are clients set to AUTO or a manual duplex/speed setting.
If the switch is a managed switch, are it's ports set to AUTO or a manual duplex/speed setting.
I've seen this be the problem. Sometimes a custom setting fixes problems. Other times AUTO causes problems.

"Living tomorrow is everyone's sorrow.
Modern man's daydreams have turned into nightmares.
some interesting ideas there, but things that would make 0 difference.

cdogg: Doesn't matter, several ways have been tried. 1: IP. 2: Name. 3: Mapped.
cdogg: As I had stated, one file works, multiple doesn't. as I said in my original post. one file works MULTIPLE doesn't. So asking me to do what I had already stated in my original post is just asking me to do what I have already done.

goomba: No, it would work if it works another way to the way that windows works, but that does not resolve the issue with windows copying even though they would work because they are not using windows copy over a network.

goomba: All PCs are up to date with patches, and are near identicle for software.
they are the same model, and only one has issues.
You know, I'm reminded of the old "Modem" days here.

Customer: "I try to dial up, but it says 'No Dialtone'"
Me: "Your phone line is plugged into the wrong jack on the modem. It needs to be plugged into 'Line' not 'Phone'"
Customer: "What if that's not it?"

I'm sorry, but if all the advice that we volunteers are going to be met with "That won't work." "That won't make a difference.", then you obviously are not really in need of our advice; you already know all the answers.

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

note to self. No longer try to help DrWhite.
I'm out too.

And...... did you read this sentence before posting? It does not make any sense in English.
No, it would work if it works another way to the way that windows works, but that does not resolve the issue with windows copying even though they would work because they are not using windows copy over a network.

"Living tomorrow is everyone's sorrow.
Modern man's daydreams have turned into nightmares.
DRWhite said:
As I had stated, one file works, multiple doesn't. as I said in my original post. one file works MULTIPLE doesn't. So asking me to do what I had already stated in my original post is just asking me to do what I have already done.

My suggestion was to try two large files. Saying that you already tried multiple files isn't necessarily the same thing. You could have tried copying a folder with a hundred small files, but that is not the same as trying only two larger ones. The reason why this makes a difference has to do with the .NET Framework component that has to interact with the destination PC between each file copy. In other words, the system could be experiencing a great deal of lag due to the number of files, but when you only copy two, it might not.

Since we are going out of our way to try to help you, you can politely state why you don't want to try something. Criticizing our suggestions in the process is counterproductive and unappreciative. I'm out as well.

"The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be."

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In an effort to calm things in here a little bit, before it becomes necessary to eliminate this thread.

The folks here at Tek-Tips are all professionals. There are folks here from every level, from beginners in the field to persons who I am humbled to even be associated with. None of the suggestions that I have seen have been unreasonable; some, as I have noted in earlier posts, made perfect sense from a diagnostic standpoint.

Nobody is expecting you to jump through hoops just to watch you jump through hoops.

For example, using a different program to try to copy the files would determine whether or not it was a network issue or a windows core issue.

Copying two large files as opposed to smaller files would indicate if there is a problem with the .NET framework and the communications between the machines.

Resetting your switch would determine if you had some network chatter or perhaps bad ARP tables in the switch, or just a confused switch. They, after all, run on software as well.

Keep in mind that many folks here, myself included, have had many years' experience. I have personally been programming 35 years, and a network administrator as well for 30. I have been on the Internet since 1986.

Part of the beauty of Tek-Tips is "thinking outside the box". A fresh perspective, or something that perhaps you hadn't thought about.

Let's all just take a step back, and approach the problem clinically. And DrWhite, have a little faith. These are literally some of the most brilliant minds you will ever encounter. I'm humbled to be associated with them.


Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

The OP hasn't logged on since October 13th. I wonder if he ever got it resolved?

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

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