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network computer...

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Jul 17, 2001
Hi everybody one more time I need your help

My problem is how can I find and get the computer´s name of a network. To be more specific, I did a form to send some messsages between my computers(this is the same that use "net send to mycomputername mymessage" of windows 2000, MSDOS way) and I need to know all its name to send this message but first my procedure need looking for this name in my network.
well I don´t know how Can I do to seek this name. If some one can tellme how thank´s

P.D.: Please excuse me my english but I´m a venezuelan people and only talk spanish, my english is very bad

IF ANETRESOURCES(la_temp, "Network Name",1) > 0
*-- The array la_Temp will have the names
*-- of all the computers on that network


LOCAL ARRAY la_temp <---This line throws an error, you need to dimension your array
IF ANETRESOURCES(la_temp, &quot;Network Name&quot;,1) > 0
*-- The array la_Temp will have the names
*-- of all the computers on that network

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first
I guess next time I have to try it first to get rid of such syntax errors.


The following works on NT Servers:
DO decl 
#DEFINE NERR_Success                       0 


LOCAL lcServer, lnBuffer, lnCount, lnCountEnum, lnCountTotal,; 
    lnResume, lnResult, lcEntry 

* The Null means the local computer 
* replace it with a name of a server, e.g. \\MYSERVER 
lcServer = .Null. 

STORE 0 TO lnBuffer, lnCountEnum, lnCountTotal, lnResume 

lnResult = NetUserEnum(lcServer, 1, 0, @lnBuffer,; 
    MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, @lnCountEnum, @lnCountTotal, @lnResume) 

IF lnResult <> NERR_Success 
    *  53 = the network path not found 
    * 123 = incorrect syntax for the name 
    ? &quot;Error code:&quot;, lnResult 

*| typedef struct _USER_INFO_1 { 
*|   LPWSTR    usri1_name;          0:4 
*|   LPWSTR    usri1_password;      4:4 
*|   DWORD     usri1_password_age;  8:4 
*|   DWORD     usri1_priv;         12:4 
*|   LPWSTR    usri1_home_dir;     16:4 
*|   LPWSTR    usri1_comment;      20:4 
*|   DWORD     usri1_flags;        24:4 
*|   LPWSTR    usri1_script_path;  28:4 
*| }USER_INFO_1, *PUSER_INFO_1, *LPUSER_INFO_1; bytes=32 

LOCAL lnCount, lcBuffer, lnBufsize, lcEntry 

lnBufsize = USERINFO_1_SIZE * lnCountEnum 
lcBuffer = Repli(Chr(0), lnBufsize) 
= Heap2String (@lcBuffer, lnBuffer, lnBufsize) 

LOCAL lcUsername, lcUserpwd, lcHomedir, lcComment, lcScrPath,; 
    lnPwdAge, lnPrivLev, lnFlags 

CREATE CURSOR csResult (; 
    username C(20), comment C(50), pwd C(12),; 
    pwdage N(12), priv N(12), flags N(12),; 
    script C(50), homedir C(200)) 

FOR lnCount=1 TO lnCountEnum 
    lcEntry = SUBSTR(lcBuffer,; 
        ((lnCount-1)*USERINFO_1_SIZE)+1, USERINFO_1_SIZE) 

    lcUsername = mem2str(buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 1,4))) 
    lcUserpwd  = mem2str(buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 5,4))) 
    lcHomedir  = mem2str(buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 17,4))) 
    lcComment  = mem2str(buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 21,4))) 
    lcScrPath  = mem2str(buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 29,4))) 
    lnPwdAge  = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 9,4)) 
    lnPrivLev = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 13,4)) 
    lnFlags   = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcEntry, 25,4)) 
    INSERT INTO csResult VALUES (; 
        lcUsername, lcComment, lcUserpwd, lnPwdAge,; 
        lnPrivLev, lnFlags, lcScrPath, lcHomedir) 

= NetApiBufferFree(lnBuffer) 

FUNCTION  mem2str (lnMemBlock) 
* converting allocated in memory Unicode string to a VFP string 
#DEFINE StrBufferLength   250 
    IF lnMemBlock = 0 
        RETURN &quot;&quot; 
        LOCAL lcBuffer 
        lcBuffer = SPACE(StrBufferLength) 
        = Heap2String (@lcBuffer, lnMemBlock, StrBufferLength) 
        lcBuffer = SUBSTR (lcBuffer, 1, AT(Chr(0)+Chr(0),lcBuffer)-1) 
RETURN  STRTRAN(lcBuffer, Chr(0),&quot;&quot;) 

FUNCTION buf2dword (lcBuffer) 
RETURN Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ; 
       Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 2,1)) * 256 +; 
       Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 3,1)) * 65536 +; 
       Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 4,1)) * 16777216 

    DECLARE INTEGER NetUserEnum IN netapi32; 
        STRING servername, INTEGER level, INTEGER filter,; 
        INTEGER @bufptr, INTEGER prefmaxlen, INTEGER @entriesread,; 
        INTEGER @totalentries, INTEGER @resume_handle 

    DECLARE INTEGER NetApiBufferFree IN netapi32 INTEGER Buffer 

    DECLARE RtlMoveMemory IN kernel32 As Heap2String; 
        STRING @ Destination, INTEGER Source, INTEGER nLength
Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first
This function is limited to returning the Shares or Printers on a network Computer (and the network name must start with &quot;\\&quot;) in VFP6.

It will do that, or return a list of all Network Names (computers) when given a domain or workgroup name in VFP7.

This function is limited to returning the Shares or Printers on a network Computer (and the network name must start with &quot;\\&quot;) in VFP6.

Not if it's run directly on the server.
Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first
Which server?

I just tried it on VFP6 and VFP7... (Both running on the same Win2k Pro computer).

VFP6 Only works to give it a computer name in format: &quot;\\computer&quot;
and it returns shares or printers (depending on parameter)

VFP7 Works in the above way, OR you can specify &quot;workgroupname&quot; (I don't have a domain to try that), and then it returns the computer names on the workgroup.

If I specify &quot;Workgroupname&quot; in VFP6, it complains:
&quot;Function argument value, type, or count is invalid.&quot;

Which server?

I just tried it on VFP6 and VFP7... (Both running on the same Win2k Pro computer).

My problem is how can I find and get the computer´s name of a network

I may have misread the original question. But to me the question, is to get the name of the computer logged into to the network (ie: I assume there is a server).
I have an NT4 server, I log into it thru Citrix Metaframe, so at that point it's as if I'm the server, and I run the API call in VFP6 and I get all the user's computer names logged into the server.
Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first
The question: My problem is how can I find and get the computer´s name of a network has a typo, I believe he meant:

My problem is how can I find and get the computer´s name off a network

His purpose of getting the computer name is to send a message to that other computer, so the program isn't necessarily running on the server. He basically wants a picklist of all computers visible on the network. ANETRESOURCES(arr,'workgroupname',1) works in VFP7, not in VFP6.

BTW, I'm sorry for the &quot;Which Server&quot;.. it was kind of obtuse.... I meant to explain: WinNT Workstation, WinNT Server, Win2k Pro, Win2k Server, WinXP Home, WinXP Pro. Each of these can make shares available and therefore can be targeted by ANETRESOURCES. I'm testing on Win2k Pro without a Domain (just a workgroup... no &quot;server&quot;).
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