There has been alot of debate, but I'm trying to find the correct answer on this subject. With Academic user Licenses do you have to purchase the amount of licenses to equal the # of students? Or is it the # of Workstations/nodes? I have been in meetings where people have argued about this for hours as why would you need say 3500 licenses to match students if only say 1000 could login at one time(# of Workstations). I personally wouldn't understand the # of student theory as a high % of the licenses would never be needed and alot of money would be wasted which doesn't bide well with taxpayers.
My second question would be does this change with OES which uses nothing more than Netware 6.5 academic user licenses?
Thank You in advance for any help in this matter.
My second question would be does this change with OES which uses nothing more than Netware 6.5 academic user licenses?
Thank You in advance for any help in this matter.