Im trying to obtain the domain Sid from the PDC with use of the
NetUserModalsGet API call (at level 2).
The resulting SID should be in the USER_MODALS_INFO_2
structure, but there seems to be impossible to get any relevant data
out of it.
The return value from NetUserModalsGet indicate success.
I have tried to pass the structure to and from a byte array with no
Private Declare Function NetUserModalsGet Lib "netapi32.dll" _
(ByVal servername As Long, _
ByVal level As Long, _
ByVal BufPtr As Long) As Long
usrmod2_domain_name As Long
usrmod2_domain_id As Long
End Type
Dim udtUsrInfo as USER_MODALS_INFO_2
Dim bytUsrInfo() as byte
Dim lngUsrInfoPtr as Long
ReDim bytUsrInfo(0 To Len(udtUsrInfo))
Call CopyMemory(bytUsrInfo(0), udtUsrInfo, Len(udtUsrInfo))
lngUsrInfoPtr = VarPtr(bytUsrInfo(0))
lngResult = NetUserModalsGet(lngPDCptr, lngLevel, lngUsrInfoPtr)
Call CopyMemory(udtUsrInfo, bytUsrInfo(0), Len(udtUsrInfo))
(the above is not the complete code)
Any help would be appreciated.
/Bob [sig][/sig]
NetUserModalsGet API call (at level 2).
The resulting SID should be in the USER_MODALS_INFO_2
structure, but there seems to be impossible to get any relevant data
out of it.
The return value from NetUserModalsGet indicate success.
I have tried to pass the structure to and from a byte array with no
Private Declare Function NetUserModalsGet Lib "netapi32.dll" _
(ByVal servername As Long, _
ByVal level As Long, _
ByVal BufPtr As Long) As Long
usrmod2_domain_name As Long
usrmod2_domain_id As Long
End Type
Dim udtUsrInfo as USER_MODALS_INFO_2
Dim bytUsrInfo() as byte
Dim lngUsrInfoPtr as Long
ReDim bytUsrInfo(0 To Len(udtUsrInfo))
Call CopyMemory(bytUsrInfo(0), udtUsrInfo, Len(udtUsrInfo))
lngUsrInfoPtr = VarPtr(bytUsrInfo(0))
lngResult = NetUserModalsGet(lngPDCptr, lngLevel, lngUsrInfoPtr)
Call CopyMemory(udtUsrInfo, bytUsrInfo(0), Len(udtUsrInfo))
(the above is not the complete code)
Any help would be appreciated.
/Bob [sig][/sig]