port-212-202-121 UGHW 1 39373 en2 - - - This route was at the bottom of a netstat -r listing on our AIX Server. Can you tell me what is the purpose of this route?
It looks like a route to host "port-212-202-121" through "" using adapter en2. It was dynamically created by the system. Are you having some sort of problem?
The error log shows no issues currently - the ethernet was down 2 weeks ago - CSMA/CD Adapter - but no action was recommended. I do not know what this is tryiong to tell me. Can you shed any more light on it?
Thanks for your response. I do not know how to see what the port number is 212-202-121 is or why this routing is occurring. It is just different from anything that I ever see on the routing table. Can you explain whet this is telling me?
Oh, I see what you mean. "port-212-202-121" is what the IP address in the routing table is resolving to. If you run a netstat -in you will see the route without DNS resolution. So it is not really a port number on your server or anything. It is just a tricky DNS entry.
Thank you very much for your input, Jim. Basically, I was asking if anyone else had seen this type of table info and under what circumstances. I have responsibility for about 500 risc boxes and have never seen this typoe of routing table info before.
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