What is it that causes a web site not to display in netscape, but works fine in IE or other browsers?
I have a site that is doing this. It is built with front page. Any ideas?
The problem is the programs are built with different standards. The World World Web Consortium has offered guidelines for standards, but until all the companies making the browsers decide to follow them, you're stuck with the incompatability. FrontPage is, of course, designed to work with IE, not Netscape.
FP does have a compatability feature which allows you to create a site that will work in Netscape. However, as far as I can tell, this simply disables features that don't work in Netscape.
The best you can do is try workarounds to make the site work in both browsers. Netscape is terrible with tables, for example, but you can force it to be better by using pixelshims. A pixelshim is an image that is the same color as your background. Insert it into an empty cell, and it keeps the column from collapsing.
Linda Adams
Linda Adams/Emory Hackman Official Web site
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