I have a iframe that I am either hiding or showing, works fine in IE but in netscape(7.2) it show fine but doesn't hide the <tr> properly, and then when you expand it again it add again to the open <tr>. very confused. please help.
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="darkbg">
<table border=0 cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<tr class="medbg">
<td height=16 id=forumsImg class="clsPartRightHidden" onclick="visibilityToggle('forums','forumsImg','viewforums','messageBoard.asp?subscribed=1&popup=1')">
<b>Subscribed Themes</b> <span class=smallertext> (Subscribe to receive posts in full only)</span></td></tr>
<tr id="forums" style="display:none"><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%"><iFRAME name=viewforums frameborder=0 scrolling=auto marginheight=0 marginwidth=1 width="100%" height=150 src="/blank.asp"></iFRAME></td></tr>
function visibilityToggle(id,getImg,framename,url,color,close)
var winLoc = window.frames[framename].location
winLoc = new String(winLoc)
var el = document.getElementById(id).style;
var img = document.getElementById(getImg);
if (close == 0)
if (url.search(/winLoc/i)==-1)
el.display = "inline";
img.className = 'clsPartRight'
if (el.display == "none")
if (url.search(/winLoc/i)==-1)
el.display = "inline";
img.className = 'clsPartRight'
else if(el.display == "inline")
el.display = "none";
img.className = 'clsPartRightHidden'