So I'm having this really annoying problem with Netscape and Image Alignment. What I have done is created a table with a single table cell in it. Inside this cell is a form the contains a input type="image". The problem is that this image will not display inside it's cell when loaded in Netscape 6.1. I have align set set to right, but somehow it always ends up ouside/overlapping the cell it's supposed to be in. It works 100% in IE All Versions, but this netscape business is killing me. Any help you could give would be very much appreciated.
Here's my code:
(Some tags are XHTML)
<td colspan="3" align="right">
<table align="right" width="170" border="1">
<td align="right" width="170">
<form action="/servlet/OnlineShopping" method="post" name="resetbtn">
<eItemID type="hidden"/>
<eCopyParameter parameter="IID" newname="OVERRIDEIID" type="hidden"/>
<eCopyParameter parameter="PCR" type="hidden"/>
<input type="image" src="/gifs/btn_resetextdimensions.gif" align="right" name="resetdimensions" lowsrc="/gifs/fill.gif" width="170" height="14" alt="Continue" border="0"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ACTN" value="50300"/>
Here's my code:
(Some tags are XHTML)
<td colspan="3" align="right">
<table align="right" width="170" border="1">
<td align="right" width="170">
<form action="/servlet/OnlineShopping" method="post" name="resetbtn">
<eItemID type="hidden"/>
<eCopyParameter parameter="IID" newname="OVERRIDEIID" type="hidden"/>
<eCopyParameter parameter="PCR" type="hidden"/>
<input type="image" src="/gifs/btn_resetextdimensions.gif" align="right" name="resetdimensions" lowsrc="/gifs/fill.gif" width="170" height="14" alt="Continue" border="0"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ACTN" value="50300"/>