hello -
I can't get my hidden tables to show up in Netscape 4. It works fine in IE5.5 and N6, but for some reason nothing comes up in Netscape 4.
Here's the code for my table:
<div class="popUpMenu" id="autoMenu" STYLE="POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: 521; VISIBILITY: hidden; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px;">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
here's the code for the popup:
then i show it with a simple
<img src="something.gif" onmouseover="javascript: showMenu('autoMenu');">
If I take out all the table tags and replace the <tr><td>s with <span>s, the thing shows up perfectly. there must be something I'm missing...
any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
I can't get my hidden tables to show up in Netscape 4. It works fine in IE5.5 and N6, but for some reason nothing comes up in Netscape 4.
Here's the code for my table:
<div class="popUpMenu" id="autoMenu" STYLE="POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: 521; VISIBILITY: hidden; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px;">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
here's the code for the popup:
function showMenu(menuID){
if (DOM){
var divRef = document.getElementById(menuID);
if (divRef){
divRef.style.visibility = "visible";
exists = (NN)?eval('document.layers["' +menuID+ '"];'):eval('document.all["' +menuID+ '"]');
if (exists){
if (NN) eval('document.layers["' +menuID+ '"].visibility = "show";');
else eval('document.all["' +menuID+ '"].style.visibility = "visible";');
then i show it with a simple
<img src="something.gif" onmouseover="javascript: showMenu('autoMenu');">
If I take out all the table tags and replace the <tr><td>s with <span>s, the thing shows up perfectly. there must be something I'm missing...
any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.