I am trying to connect a Vina eLink T1 Integrator to a Netopia R5100 Serial router, WIC to WIC for a test bench setup.
The Vina has an RJ-45 connector on the WIC and the Netopia has a DB-15 on the WIC. I have been trying to find the correct pinout for this adaptor and so far I have not been able to get line protocol up. The channels and encapsulation are correct but I think my wiring is bad. I have found at least five diagrams for DB-15 to RJ-45 adaptors and none of those have worked. I am guessting I need a T1 to T1 crossover adaptor.
Any insight would be appreciated.
The Vina has an RJ-45 connector on the WIC and the Netopia has a DB-15 on the WIC. I have been trying to find the correct pinout for this adaptor and so far I have not been able to get line protocol up. The channels and encapsulation are correct but I think my wiring is bad. I have found at least five diagrams for DB-15 to RJ-45 adaptors and none of those have worked. I am guessting I need a T1 to T1 crossover adaptor.
Any insight would be appreciated.