I have 2 Netfinity 5000's that have the front panel exclamation mark on all the time. No lightpath LED's are lit on the mother board and all PSU leds are on. What could be causing this?
I've tried clearing the POST/BIOS system log but to no avail...
New information: One of the 5000's has 2 processors (I see them inside) but only 1 processor LED is lit up and Win2K is only reporting 1 processor..... maybe a bad processor or VRM??
I just fired this thing up today. Got it off eBay.
update the following in the follwoing order.
System BIOS
Integrated Sys Management Processor Firmware
Integrated Sys Management Processor Device Driver.
The order is impoerative to fix the problem if it is what I suspect.
Thank you, techieGeek, I will follow that order (I always update the BIOS on these used 5000's but have neglected the System Management updates).
dhauser - you are absolutely correct in my needing a VRM for a second processor. But there is only 1 slot for a VRM in a 5000, not 2. BTW, I already have some VRM's on order and am just waiting for them to arrive. Thanks for the reply.
From whom did you order a VRM? And what is the part number? I've just decided to add a 2nd processor to my netfinity 5000 and wondered why windows doesn't see it.
well if its Wnidows NT you have to run a program (uptomp.exe, I believe) for it to see the second processor. There is another process in W2K that you can find if the W2K Help...
I got the VRM from some dude on ebay.
In Windows 2000 (and above), to upgrade to multiprocessor, just open the Device Manager, under the Computer information, you should see ACPI uniprocessor.
Right click on this and tell it to update driver.
Click on the Install from a list or specified location.
On the next screen, click to choose the driver from a list.
The next screen should list the ACPI Uniprocessor kernel as well as ACPI Multiprocessor kernel.
Pick the Multi processor kernel and reboot when prompted.
After the reboot, you should have a multi processor machine.
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