Just trying to clean up our network a little bit, and I discovered through my sniffer that many (most? all?) of the machines on my VLAN (and I assume the others on the network...) regularly send out NetBIOS Datagram broadcasts.
We don't do anything with NetBIOS, but we're a Windows 2000 / XP shop with Windows 2000 servers running in native-mode, and I know they use some NetBIOS protocols for SMB, etc...
That said, what is it exactly that's causing my PC's to constantly announce themselves through NetBIOS b-type traffic, and is there anything I can do to stop it, or is just going to be a fact of life?
Just trying to clean up our network a little bit, and I discovered through my sniffer that many (most? all?) of the machines on my VLAN (and I assume the others on the network...) regularly send out NetBIOS Datagram broadcasts.
We don't do anything with NetBIOS, but we're a Windows 2000 / XP shop with Windows 2000 servers running in native-mode, and I know they use some NetBIOS protocols for SMB, etc...
That said, what is it exactly that's causing my PC's to constantly announce themselves through NetBIOS b-type traffic, and is there anything I can do to stop it, or is just going to be a fact of life?