Technical User
We have two CAT tapes which are alternated on a daily basis, however sometimes the staff forget to swap the tapes out and the previous nights CAT tape is still present in the robot. The problem is that when the next days CAT job is activated and because the correct media is not installed the catalogue does not get backed up and the job remains active, until it is manually killed, the global settings for media time out was set to 10mins but this does not seem to work. Unless we cancel the previous CAT BU job the next days or any other CAT BU will not work, an error 125 is reported.
I tried then to move the two CAT tapes into the Catalogue Backup Pool, which seems to be a new introduction in NB 6.0. but everytime I run the CAT Bu, it still seems to be looking for CAT tapes in the netbackup pool.
Is there any way of telling NB6 to look at the pre-difined Catalogue Backup Pool ( i.e attempt to carry out on-line CAT BU's) and not the netbackup pool.
Bpsyncinfo showed the two CAT media tapes when they were part of the Netbackup Pool, but when I moved them to the Catalogue pool bpsuncinfo does not show any CAT Tapes.
If I can configure NB6 to use the Catalogue Backup pool then NB will backup the CATs to any tape in that pool.
Any help would be grateful.
We have two CAT tapes which are alternated on a daily basis, however sometimes the staff forget to swap the tapes out and the previous nights CAT tape is still present in the robot. The problem is that when the next days CAT job is activated and because the correct media is not installed the catalogue does not get backed up and the job remains active, until it is manually killed, the global settings for media time out was set to 10mins but this does not seem to work. Unless we cancel the previous CAT BU job the next days or any other CAT BU will not work, an error 125 is reported.
I tried then to move the two CAT tapes into the Catalogue Backup Pool, which seems to be a new introduction in NB 6.0. but everytime I run the CAT Bu, it still seems to be looking for CAT tapes in the netbackup pool.
Is there any way of telling NB6 to look at the pre-difined Catalogue Backup Pool ( i.e attempt to carry out on-line CAT BU's) and not the netbackup pool.
Bpsyncinfo showed the two CAT media tapes when they were part of the Netbackup Pool, but when I moved them to the Catalogue pool bpsuncinfo does not show any CAT Tapes.
If I can configure NB6 to use the Catalogue Backup pool then NB will backup the CATs to any tape in that pool.
Any help would be grateful.