We were running 3.4.1 but upgraded last week to 4.5 OS was up to SP2 and terminal services (not through Citrix) was fine and dandy. After the 4.5 upgrade, everytime I login into the server using Terminal services (which I have been doing for a long time under 3.4.1) I will get a "Blue Screen of Death".
It errors out on Stop 1e on Win32K.sys. Has any have any experiences as this? Any solution(s)? SP4 is not an option for now.
We were running 3.4.1 but upgraded last week to 4.5 OS was up to SP2 and terminal services (not through Citrix) was fine and dandy. After the 4.5 upgrade, everytime I login into the server using Terminal services (which I have been doing for a long time under 3.4.1) I will get a "Blue Screen of Death".
It errors out on Stop 1e on Win32K.sys. Has any have any experiences as this? Any solution(s)? SP4 is not an option for now.