My company is about to expand our IT center and we have been directed by several different vendors on either the NetApp FAS250 or the Adapatec 550. We have a $22,000 budget and wanted to accomplish centralized data inlcuding 2 Sequel databases as well as a tighter backup solution by attaching an LTO tape backup off the NAS and doing snapshots. I expect to hang 3 application servers off of the NAS and have them access the Sequel databases via iSCSI. My question becomes which is the better choice... from a technical perspective? I know the Adaptec is cheaper, but I don't want to short change ourselves. We currently need about 700 Gig to 1 Tb of storage and that could grow in the next 6 months based on new business. One vendor says the iSCSI will cause a performance hit and the other disagrees and says do with a Gigabit backbone b/t the NAS and servers.
Any input would be greatly appreciated
Any input would be greatly appreciated