I was trying to use the Telnet module and I typed the following code into my script:
For the line $t->open...I right clicked on "My Computer" and typed in the "Full Computer Name(computername.domain)" located under the identification tab. It gives me an "Unknown remote host" error. Is it possible to use the name and domain of the machine to connect to connect to it?
Sorry for not being very clear and precise.
"Pin me. Perl me."
I was trying to use the Telnet module and I typed the following code into my script:
use Net::Telnet();
$t = new Net::Telnet;
$t->open({Full Computer Name});
For the line $t->open...I right clicked on "My Computer" and typed in the "Full Computer Name(computername.domain)" located under the identification tab. It gives me an "Unknown remote host" error. Is it possible to use the name and domain of the machine to connect to connect to it?
Sorry for not being very clear and precise.
"Pin me. Perl me."