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Net Send

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Technical User
Oct 23, 2000
Hi all!

Does any one know if a system administator can go through net send messages?

Also we work by sending message to a user name e.g (jpete1) instead of the computer name (FO1223) which is a lot easier as we don't have our own computers, and wondered if there was an easy way to find out who the message was sent from? the message will just have the computer name with it and without going around and looking at all the comps I can't see anotyher way to lacate the user.

Working in an office it seems to be the easiest way to get short messages (all emails are logged) to others and would like to think that these messages would not be intercepted or read at a later date.

Thanks, bfn.
I am uaware of a way to log NET SEND messages. I am unsure if there is a way to intercept the messages in a LAN. I do not know of one yet. If there is a way I would like to know as well. Net Send is a command line tool for messaging. I dont even think the system keeps a local log does it? Net Send would be specific to the PC it came from. If you want to log messages or find out where they come from I would suggest a third party interoffice messaging system (ICQ Yahoo instantmessanger or MSN messanger)or email.
Hope this helps
I, too would like to know if there's a way to intercept text send thru the network using the messenger service...particularly if there's VBscript to do it with.

Our organization uses net send quite a bit, and I've set up a scripted utility for SENDING them (it looks like ICQ in a way), but I'm not finding a way for my script to monitor & intercept incoming messenger messages. It would be extremely NICE, because when that little messenger window pops up with a message from someone else, that darned OK button is automatially highlighted...which means that if you're typing like mad and hit the enter or space bar, your message is "OK'd" before you ever get a change to read it....very, very frustrating.

I've seen this "interception" question raised in several other forums as well.... please, please tell me that someone out here knows the answer [pc2]

[yinyang] 18 years of programming, and still learning every day! [yinyang]
Check your System Log in Event Viewer.All net sends will be listed as application Popups.You can also connect to another computers event logs to check out what net send activity has occured.(assuming you have Admin rights)
I found this info lying about -

The Messenger service is NETBIOS as carring protocol and
as I understand uses NetBios ports. To intercept the NET SEND messages your program should create a server-mailslot with name MESSNGR.
Of course if the NT Messenger is running your application will not be able to open server-mailslot....

doesn't mean much to me, but may be useful to someone.

<< JOC >>
netsend messages are recorded in the event viewer. The only thing you have to know is how to find the answer.

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