Is there an event handeler for for the crystal viewer in .NET that fires after report data is refreshed? The only thing I've been able to use in the CD.Windows.Forms class is the ReportRefresh hadler, which fires as soon as the Refresh button is clicked, not when the data is returned.
We are working with a large data set, so the data takes a long time to load. It would be nice to be able to display an image while the report is being refreshed (something like the arrows in the crystal enterprise java viewer) and pop up a message when it is done. It takes so long poeple think their system is locked up because all they get is the hourglass.
We are working with a large data set, so the data takes a long time to load. It would be nice to be able to display an image while the report is being refreshed (something like the arrows in the crystal enterprise java viewer) and pop up a message when it is done. It takes so long poeple think their system is locked up because all they get is the hourglass.