I have a speed and general overhead issue in my web app (C#) whereby I can see a gridview datasource (a Stored Procedure) executing usually twice on every firing of any event on a page - drop down list select change, another gridview's selected index change, button click, etc.
The gridview in question is the basis for much of the subsequent data and its data can change on the change of one initial dropdown, but other than that it doesn't get used.
In fact, initially it's disabled...I tried to cache the data but I could still see the underlying stored procedure running in SQL Profiler...can you help?
I have a speed and general overhead issue in my web app (C#) whereby I can see a gridview datasource (a Stored Procedure) executing usually twice on every firing of any event on a page - drop down list select change, another gridview's selected index change, button click, etc.
The gridview in question is the basis for much of the subsequent data and its data can change on the change of one initial dropdown, but other than that it doesn't get used.
In fact, initially it's disabled...I tried to cache the data but I could still see the underlying stored procedure running in SQL Profiler...can you help?