I have Call Manager 9.1 with an IVR solution that is reached via a translation pattern.
To make this easy, let's say I have 2 sites - A and B. Each site has separate route patterns, translation patterns, calling search spaces, etc - but share the same numbering plan. Site A is primary for telecom, and site B is my telecom backup. If I shut down my telecom circuits for site A, calls roll over to site B. I am able to make and take calls from site B. Basically, everything works except my IVR solution. The problem is that I don't have the same translation pattern in site B.
In Partition A I have a translation pattern for the IVR server (translate 6246 to 5556). I would like to add that same pattern to Partition B for redundancy. How do I do this? I tried nesting partition B into A, and that didn’t work (it didn’t show in dependency records). I also tried adding a translation pattern and associating it with Partition B, but Call Manager barked and said that translation pattern already existed.
I'm stumped. Can a translation pattern belong to only 1 partition?
To make this easy, let's say I have 2 sites - A and B. Each site has separate route patterns, translation patterns, calling search spaces, etc - but share the same numbering plan. Site A is primary for telecom, and site B is my telecom backup. If I shut down my telecom circuits for site A, calls roll over to site B. I am able to make and take calls from site B. Basically, everything works except my IVR solution. The problem is that I don't have the same translation pattern in site B.
In Partition A I have a translation pattern for the IVR server (translate 6246 to 5556). I would like to add that same pattern to Partition B for redundancy. How do I do this? I tried nesting partition B into A, and that didn’t work (it didn’t show in dependency records). I also tried adding a translation pattern and associating it with Partition B, but Call Manager barked and said that translation pattern already existed.
I'm stumped. Can a translation pattern belong to only 1 partition?