Hi all,
Im thinking of using nested tables to solve a problem I have. However the nested table I have would need to hold 2 columns, one of which would need to be a CLOB.
The basic structure would be this...
Col1 - Primary key
Col2 - Some Info
Col3 - Some more Info there would be quite a few of these columns.
Col4 - Nested table containing...
Col1 - Uniqiue key for this Nested tables data
col2 - my CLOB
I have two questions...
1. Is is possible to have a nested table with more than 1 column? The documentation I have always uses a single column in the examples.
2. I would need to read and manipulate the CLOB as quickly as you can a varchar2, I'm using a CLOB as the charecter sting can be upto 32,000 long (PL/SQL max varchar2 size) but I can only store 4000 on the DB. I've ruled out using longs as they are too restrictive in terms of what functions can be used on them (i.e. none)
Oh and I've not used either of these constructs before so please be gentle with the technicalities...
Thanks in advance,
Im thinking of using nested tables to solve a problem I have. However the nested table I have would need to hold 2 columns, one of which would need to be a CLOB.
The basic structure would be this...
Col1 - Primary key
Col2 - Some Info
Col3 - Some more Info there would be quite a few of these columns.
Col4 - Nested table containing...
Col1 - Uniqiue key for this Nested tables data
col2 - my CLOB
I have two questions...
1. Is is possible to have a nested table with more than 1 column? The documentation I have always uses a single column in the examples.
2. I would need to read and manipulate the CLOB as quickly as you can a varchar2, I'm using a CLOB as the charecter sting can be upto 32,000 long (PL/SQL max varchar2 size) but I can only store 4000 on the DB. I've ruled out using longs as they are too restrictive in terms of what functions can be used on them (i.e. none)
Oh and I've not used either of these constructs before so please be gentle with the technicalities...
Thanks in advance,