So, I am trying to build a little report in three layers and I know there is a flaw in my logic, but I can't see it, so I was hoping one of you folks could help me out?
So, I step into the first recordset (distinct trip names) just fine, then step into the second recordset selecting churches that have signed up for that trip. I get the recordset ok, but I iterate thru it way too many times (like as many times as participants). And then I take the id for each church and step into the third recordset where I choose all of the participants. So, if I had 1 church sign up for a trip to Belize and that church signed up 5 participants, then I am getting that listing of all 5 participants 5 times. They are in the correct trip for the correct church, they are just repeated as many times as there are participants.
I'm sure it is just a simple little thing I am missing, but I don't see it. Any help would be appreciated.
<% Do Until rs.EOF %>
dim churchsql, churchrs
churchsql = "SELECT,, l.age_group, l.trip, l.leader_name, l.leader_email, l.emerg_name, l.emerg_phone, l.emerg_relation, l.radiobutton, l.van_number, l.van_drivers "
churchsql = churchsql & "FROM tbl_ss_group_leaders l JOIN tbl_ss_group_participants p ON = p.ss_id "
churchsql = churchsql & "WHERE p.processdate IS NULL "
churchsql = churchsql & "AND trip = '" & rs("trip") & "'"
SET churchrs = Conn.Execute(churchsql)
<table border=0>
<tr><td>church</td><td>age group</td><td>leader name</td><td>leader email</td><td>emergency contact</td><td>emergency contact phone</td><td>emergency contact relation</td><td>van agreement</td><td># van drivers</td><td>van drivers</td></tr>
<% DO UNTIL churchrs.EOF %>
<tr><td><%= churchrs("church") %></td><td><%= churchrs("age_group") %></td><td><%= churchrs("leader_name") %></td><td><%= churchrs("leader_email") %></td><td><%= churchrs("emerg_name") %></td><td><%= churchrs("emerg_phone") %></td><td><%= churchrs("emerg_relation") %></td><td><%= churchrs("radiobutton") %></td><td><%= churchrs("van_number") %></td><td><%= churchrs("van_drivers") %></td><tr>
<td colspan="9">
dim groupsql, grouprs
groupsql = "SELECT,, p.gender, p.age, p.grade_comp "
groupsql = groupsql & "FROM tbl_ss_group_participants p "
groupsql = groupsql & "WHERE ss_id = " & churchrs("id")
SET grouprs = Conn.Execute(groupsql)
<table border=0">
<tr><td>Name</td><td>Email</td><td>Gender</td><td>Age</td><td>Grade Completed</td></tr>
<% DO UNTIL grouprs.EOF %>
<tr><td><%= grouprs("name") %></td><td><%= grouprs("email") %></td><td><%= grouprs("gender") %></td><td><%= grouprs("age") %></td><td><%= grouprs("grade_comp") %></td></tr>
<% grouprs.Movenext
<% churchrs.Movenext
Loop %>
<% rs.MoveNext
Loop %>
So, I step into the first recordset (distinct trip names) just fine, then step into the second recordset selecting churches that have signed up for that trip. I get the recordset ok, but I iterate thru it way too many times (like as many times as participants). And then I take the id for each church and step into the third recordset where I choose all of the participants. So, if I had 1 church sign up for a trip to Belize and that church signed up 5 participants, then I am getting that listing of all 5 participants 5 times. They are in the correct trip for the correct church, they are just repeated as many times as there are participants.
I'm sure it is just a simple little thing I am missing, but I don't see it. Any help would be appreciated.