I am having trouble reading in a dataset that contains negative numbers. I get the error F6103 - invalid real.
This data can be read in by Minitab, Excel and other packages and there are no problems - all the negatives are recognised. If I convert all the data to positive, then I have no problems in reading in the data.
The program I have written uses double precision.
I am reading the data in
READ(8,*) (X(IR, I, JP(J)), J=1, NATT)
and I have loops over IR and I.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
This data can be read in by Minitab, Excel and other packages and there are no problems - all the negatives are recognised. If I convert all the data to positive, then I have no problems in reading in the data.
The program I have written uses double precision.
I am reading the data in
READ(8,*) (X(IR, I, JP(J)), J=1, NATT)
and I have loops over IR and I.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.