Hello everybody! I had a quick couple of questions regarding a new database I'm currently looking into designing. I'm pretty new to database design, I've currently only been involved in Access 2007 database design and nothing else. The problem I'm having is if with this new database I'm not sure if I should be designing it as one database in Access or split the database between GUI and data and use MYSQL to make the initial tables, rows, columns, etc and then link the table back to Access. One of my co-workers thinks spitting the two and using MYSQL is the best bet. This database needs to be able to be quick with the GUI parts of it. I'm just wondering if using MYSQL will be the best or if doing it all in Access would suffice. I know there is size issues with Access and my database will not come close to that. Will the speed be quicker if it was all in Access? Please give me some insight on the pros and cons to using Access vs MySQL. Thanks!