I've created a "mailto:" form that submits correctly and I receive the data from the submitted form. But I've got two problems.
1. I've created a "thanks for your submission" page on my site but I can't seem to get my form to bring up the "thanks" page after the submit button is pushed and the form data is emailed.
2. Also, when the email arrives the subject line says "posted on Internet Explorer" instead of what I want it to say. Can anyone help with the coding and where it is placed? I'm using FrontPage 2000 on Windows98 SE to write the form but I'm not using the FrontPage protocols. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
1. I've created a "thanks for your submission" page on my site but I can't seem to get my form to bring up the "thanks" page after the submit button is pushed and the form data is emailed.
2. Also, when the email arrives the subject line says "posted on Internet Explorer" instead of what I want it to say. Can anyone help with the coding and where it is placed? I'm using FrontPage 2000 on Windows98 SE to write the form but I'm not using the FrontPage protocols. Any help will be greatly appreciated.