I have a subreport in my main report that I would like totals from and I don't have the slightest clue how to do this.
The subreport brings in three fields into my detail line. I'd like totals for each group including a grand total for the report. My report looks like this in the details section: (* fields are from the subreport and are grouped as one field)
[Customer name] [ID#] [2005 forecast] ([*YTD Sales] [*%FRCST] [*Avg GPM])
I can total the 2005 forecast because that's in the main report. I just can't figure how to total the fields being pulled over.
Jeremy M.
Systems Administrator
Disclaimer:This person recently stepped in a pile of $#!^ and inherited a sys. admin. position. Although he has a limited knowledge base in some areas, he promises to do as much research as possible before posting. Please work with him, as he will appreciate any
I have a subreport in my main report that I would like totals from and I don't have the slightest clue how to do this.
The subreport brings in three fields into my detail line. I'd like totals for each group including a grand total for the report. My report looks like this in the details section: (* fields are from the subreport and are grouped as one field)
[Customer name] [ID#] [2005 forecast] ([*YTD Sales] [*%FRCST] [*Avg GPM])
I can total the 2005 forecast because that's in the main report. I just can't figure how to total the fields being pulled over.
Jeremy M.
Systems Administrator
Disclaimer:This person recently stepped in a pile of $#!^ and inherited a sys. admin. position. Although he has a limited knowledge base in some areas, he promises to do as much research as possible before posting. Please work with him, as he will appreciate any