On my form I have a DTPicker control. I also have a command button which when picked should use the value of the DTPicker control in a query.
The code of the command button is:
Dim db As Database, rst As Recordset, qdf As QueryDef
Dim sSQL As String
Dim cOutFilename, cPriceDate As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef(""
cPriceDate = Format(dtCurrent.Value, "mm/dd/yy"
cOutFilename = "D_" & cPriceDate
sSQL = "SELECT rsDataStreamA.ComGrp, rsDataStreamA.SubGrp, rsDataStreamA.RawCom, rsDataStreamA.ComType, rsDataStreamA.Description, rsDataStreamA.PrintDescrip1, rsDataStreamA.PrintDescrip2, rsPrices.ContractNo, rsPrices.Contract, rsPrices.AsAt, rsPrices.SettSpot, rsPrices.Prev, rsPrices.High, rsPrices.Low "
sSQL = sSQL & "INTO " & cOutFilename & " "
sSQL = sSQL & "FROM rsDataStreamA INNER JOIN rsPrices ON rsDataStreamA.ComID = rsPrices.ComID "
sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE (((rsPrices.AsAt) = #" & cPriceDate & "#)) "
sSQL = sSQL & "ORDER BY rsDataStreamA.tblCommodityGroups.Ord, rsDataStreamA.tblSubGroups.Ord, rsDataStreamA.tblRawCommodities.Ord, rsDataStreamA.qry_commodities.Ord;"
qdf.SQL = sSQL
This should result in a new table called D_ followed by the date of the DTPicker. However trying to run it I get
run time error '3067'
Query Input must contain at least one table or query.
Changing the line
cOutFilename = "D_" & cPriceDate
cOutFilename = "D_270203"
works fine. So it seems the value of cOutFilename is not being set as a string.
Any suggestions ?
The code of the command button is:
Dim db As Database, rst As Recordset, qdf As QueryDef
Dim sSQL As String
Dim cOutFilename, cPriceDate As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef(""
cPriceDate = Format(dtCurrent.Value, "mm/dd/yy"
cOutFilename = "D_" & cPriceDate
sSQL = "SELECT rsDataStreamA.ComGrp, rsDataStreamA.SubGrp, rsDataStreamA.RawCom, rsDataStreamA.ComType, rsDataStreamA.Description, rsDataStreamA.PrintDescrip1, rsDataStreamA.PrintDescrip2, rsPrices.ContractNo, rsPrices.Contract, rsPrices.AsAt, rsPrices.SettSpot, rsPrices.Prev, rsPrices.High, rsPrices.Low "
sSQL = sSQL & "INTO " & cOutFilename & " "
sSQL = sSQL & "FROM rsDataStreamA INNER JOIN rsPrices ON rsDataStreamA.ComID = rsPrices.ComID "
sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE (((rsPrices.AsAt) = #" & cPriceDate & "#)) "
sSQL = sSQL & "ORDER BY rsDataStreamA.tblCommodityGroups.Ord, rsDataStreamA.tblSubGroups.Ord, rsDataStreamA.tblRawCommodities.Ord, rsDataStreamA.qry_commodities.Ord;"
qdf.SQL = sSQL
This should result in a new table called D_ followed by the date of the DTPicker. However trying to run it I get
run time error '3067'
Query Input must contain at least one table or query.
Changing the line
cOutFilename = "D_" & cPriceDate
cOutFilename = "D_270203"
works fine. So it seems the value of cOutFilename is not being set as a string.
Any suggestions ?