I have created an HTA application that makes a call to a SQL server. This is querying a database used to track support calls. Cases can have a sub case. When I query I therefore get duplicate entries for those cases that have a sub case. I would like to be able to strip out the duplicates.
Unfortunately some of the fields have spaces in the names (not my database to change) so it just makes reading the query string all the more difficult.
Here is my query:
I tried using SELECT DISTINCT in the beginning but as I understand it all columns would then be evaluated for the unique status. I only want to filter on the dbCaseInfo.SR Number field.
I also tried adding a GROUP BY dbCaseInfo.SR Number but that too did not work.
Can anyone help me with this monster of a query?
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Unfortunately some of the fields have spaces in the names (not my database to change) so it just makes reading the query string all the more difficult.
Here is my query:
SQLCmd = "SELECT DISTINCT dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"SR Number"&Chr(34)&" As SRX,dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"TAM/ADC"&Chr(34)&" AS TAM, dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Case Description"&Chr(34)&" AS Description, dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Current Severity"&Chr(34)&" AS Sev, dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Current Case Status"&Chr(34)&" AS Status, dbCaseInfo.Contact AS Contact, dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Current Case Owner"&Chr(34)&" As Owner, dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Case Open (Hours) "&Chr(34)&" AS Age, dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Case Idle Time (Days) "&Chr(34)&" AS Idle FROM dbCaseInfo WHERE ((dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"TAM/ADC"&Chr(34)&" = '"& UserString & "') AND (dbCaseInfo.Contract = '"& ClarifyContract & "')) AND ((dbCaseInfo."&Chr(34)&"Current Case Owner"&Chr(34)&" <> '"& UserString & "') AND ("&Chr(34)&"Open or Closed Status"&Chr(34)&" = 'Open'));"
I tried using SELECT DISTINCT in the beginning but as I understand it all columns would then be evaluated for the unique status. I only want to filter on the dbCaseInfo.SR Number field.
I also tried adding a GROUP BY dbCaseInfo.SR Number but that too did not work.
Can anyone help me with this monster of a query?
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