Hi all,
I'm currently running this query
That produces all of the records with a dateCreated in the table callHistory. I should clarify for each attempt that is made to call a contact there is one record for it in the callHistory. So one contact can have many callhistoryRecords.
The query above gives me all with the earliest dateCreated, which is what I set out to do. Now I need it to give me that result set plus any record that does not yet have a callHistory dateCreated value.
I have to run this once a day to match against a file provided to us from the client.
Everything will be OK in the end.
If it's not OK, then it's not the end
I'm currently running this query
select c.contactID, c.companyID, c.companyName, c.prefix, c. firstName, c. middleName, c.lastName, c.suffix,c.jobTitle, c.phy_address1, c.phy_address2, c.phy_address3, c.phy_city, c.phy_state, c.phy_zipCode, c.phy_country, c. mlg_address1, c.phone, c.referralID, c.statusId, cf.KEYCODE, ch.datecreated, ch.userid
from contacts c
inner join clientfields cf on c.contactID = cf.contactID
left join callHistory ch on c.contactID = ch.contactID
HAVING (ch.dateCreated =
(SELECT DISTINCT MIN( ch.dateCreated) FROM callHistory ch WHERE ch.contactID = c.contactID))
That produces all of the records with a dateCreated in the table callHistory. I should clarify for each attempt that is made to call a contact there is one record for it in the callHistory. So one contact can have many callhistoryRecords.
The query above gives me all with the earliest dateCreated, which is what I set out to do. Now I need it to give me that result set plus any record that does not yet have a callHistory dateCreated value.
I have to run this once a day to match against a file provided to us from the client.
Everything will be OK in the end.
If it's not OK, then it's not the end