I have a query I create from VBA on the fly. It is timing out when I try to export it. I need to set the ODBC timeout property from my VBA code. Can anyone help with this?
Skip, Thanks for responding. Here is the code I create the query.
Public Sub GetCrosstab()
Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset
Dim SQLCross As String, SQLCross2 As String, qfd As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
db.QueryDefs.Delete ("VendorMonthYTD")
gblVendorGrouphold = Me.cmbSTVendors
SQLCross = "SELECT [tblSalesTrace_Send-To].VendorGroup, dbo_SalesTransaction.SOCustomerCode, dbo_SalesTransaction.SOCustomerName, "
SQLCross = SQLCross & "DatePart(""" & "m""" & ",[InvoiceDate]) AS [Month], Sum(dbo_SalesTransaction.ExtendedPrice) AS [TotalSales] "
SQLCross = SQLCross & " FROM dbo_SalesTransaction INNER JOIN [tblSalesTrace_Send-To] ON "
SQLCross = SQLCross & "dbo_SalesTransaction.SOVendorCode = [tblSalesTrace_Send-To].VendorNumber "
SQLCross = SQLCross & "WHERE (((dbo_SalesTransaction.InvoiceDate) Between " & gblXStartDt & " And " & gblXEndDt
SQLCross = SQLCross & ") AND ((dbo_SalesTransaction.SOItemCode) Not Between """ & 900000 & """" & " And """ & 999999 & """" & ")"
SQLCross = SQLCross & " AND ((Left([SOCustomerName],1))<>Chr(42)))AND ((([tblSalesTrace_Send-To].VendorGroup)= """ & gblVendorGrouphold & """" & "))"
SQLCross = SQLCross & " GROUP BY [tblSalesTrace_Send-To].VendorGroup, dbo_SalesTransaction.SOCustomerCode, dbo_SalesTransaction.SOCustomerName, "
SQLCross = SQLCross & "DatePart(""" & "m""" & ",[InvoiceDate]), Left([SOCustomerCode],1) HAVING (((Left([SOCustomerCode],1))<> """ & "2" & """))"
Set qfd = db.CreateQueryDef("VendorMonthYTD", SQLCross)
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