I have a Windows 2000 SP4 PDC a Windows 2000 SP4 BDC
In Active Directory Sites & Services, under Sites/Domainname/Servers - I have an old dc listed, which is longer onthe network.
I want to remove this old dc - I tried to simply delete, but got an Access denied message.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
I also want to demote the existing PDC to a BDC and Vica versa - can anyone help me?
One last question - I have a Windows 2000 SP4 server that I want to make a DC - will it affect any applications on it,if I do this?
In Active Directory Sites & Services, under Sites/Domainname/Servers - I have an old dc listed, which is longer onthe network.
I want to remove this old dc - I tried to simply delete, but got an Access denied message.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
I also want to demote the existing PDC to a BDC and Vica versa - can anyone help me?
One last question - I have a Windows 2000 SP4 server that I want to make a DC - will it affect any applications on it,if I do this?