i know this is kind silly question, but i just can not find answer for this.
after i query the sql statement, how can i get the count of the records found from ResultSet?
You can do something like this:
//(rs is your result set)
int count=0;
count ++;
System.out.println("The size of the result set is: "+count);
hi Alex,
thx for ur help.
Your code is working, but that is not what i wanted. I mean, before i run the
while(rs.next()) {
i need to know how many records are found from ResultSet. Therefore, i can have fixed array size and use in 'rs.next()'.
any ideas?
I don't think there is a way to query the rs for its size.
The solution I wrote will allow you to get the number for your array and then use rs.first() to move the rs "back to the beginning" as Inigo might say.
If this is a solution you've tried, but for speed you don't want to loop through the whole result set just to set an array size, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe use a vector?
Sorry if this response is repeating info you already know.
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