We are considering downsizing from an Option 11 to an 0x32. The Option 11 is overkill for our need. We have 70 phones with 1 T1. Most of the change is very easy, except for one area. The problem is our Customer Support department which consists of 9 phones. When a call is received it will appear on all 9 phones on one the 10 buttons reserved for incoming calls. When more calls are received than we have available representatives to handle, one of the representatives will answer the call and place it on hold. Currently with the Option 11, the 2616 phone buttons show the calls on hold with a blinking indicator. There should be no more than 2 or 3 calls on hold at anytime. All attendants are able to see that customers are holding and the next available representative is able to answer the call. I am told this can not be done with the 0x32. Is there any way to identify to the other users that calls are parked? This seems so simple, yet is proving to be difficult. All help will be appreciated.