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Need to get data from list with regular expressions

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Jan 22, 2004
Hello all,
I have a problem, I am getting a generated list of computers type, OS's, and computer names. The problem is that I am unable to parse the information via tabs or white space because of how the list is generated. I want to use a regular expression to get the 3 pieces of data that are being separated from white space. Here is some of the data:
PC               Windows2003      mv12
PC               Windows2003      mnf02
Solaris          Solaris9         meta1
Solaris          Solaris9         mta2
PC               Windows2003      vdc1
I have many servers to do this too so I am not sure if I can get the same number of white spaces to do a split with. I am wondering if I could do a regular expression like [A-Za-z0-9] and grab the 3 pieces of information that are being returned within every line. Can this be done and if so, then how. I am under the gun on this one, so Thanks for the help.


-How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Assuming your data is in a string variable called "strData" and each line is separated by a linefeed and each value per line is separated by a tab:

first split the string by each line

raEachLine = split(strdata,vbNewLine)

next go through each line and split it by the tab
for ndx = 0 to ubound(raEachLine) - 1
raThisLine = split(raEachLine(ndx),vbTab)
' check below for final comment

You're array in each itteration of the loop will look like this
raThisLine(0) = firstValue
raThisLine(1) = secondValue
raThisLine(2) = thirdValue

sorry - didn't read the part that said you can't get the same number of spaces...in that case it will be a little tougher - I'll see if I can figure something out for you, maybe someone else will be able to do it quicker

I hate writing reg expressions :)
ok, it doesn't use Regular Expressions, but I am going to assume that you'll have at least 3 spaces between each value in strData and that each individual value for the columns won't have any more than 2 spaces.

raEachLine = split(strData,vbNewLine)
for ndx = 0 to ubound(raEachLine) - 1
	' this is spliting each line by 3 spaces, change it if you need to.  
	raTemp = split(raEachLine(ndx),"   ")
	str = ""
	for i = 0 to ubound(raTemp)		
		if raTemp(i)<> "" then 
			if str <> "" then str = str & vbTab
			str = str & raTemp(i) 
		end if
	raThisLine = split(str,vbTab) ' SEE BELOW FOR EXPLANATION


For each itteration:
raThisLine(0) = 1st Value
raThisLine(1) = 2nd Value
raThisLine(2) = 3rd Value
Here's a RegExp solution that doesn't need to know how many white space characters there are between the fields ...

Private Function GetData(strSource As String) As String()
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\s+"
GetData = Split(.Replace(strSource, " "), " ")
End With
End Function
Sorry, that was the VB version. Here is the VBScript version

Private Function GetData(strSource)
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\s+"
GetData = Split(.Replace(strSource, " "), " ")
End With
End Function
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