The company I work for has a subsidiary company with it's own mailserver, but on late notice they have informed us that they are turning off that mailserver tonight, and I need to configure our local mailserver to accept mail for the other domain. I believe adding the new domain to /etc/mail/relay-domains is all I need to do, but am not up on sendmail-8.1.1. Can someone please tell me if this is indeed all I have to change to add this domain to relay it's mail from my local server? d3funct
The software required `Windows 95 or better', so I installed Linux.
The company I work for has a subsidiary company with it's own mailserver, but on late notice they have informed us that they are turning off that mailserver tonight, and I need to configure our local mailserver to accept mail for the other domain. I believe adding the new domain to /etc/mail/relay-domains is all I need to do, but am not up on sendmail-8.1.1. Can someone please tell me if this is indeed all I have to change to add this domain to relay it's mail from my local server? d3funct
The software required `Windows 95 or better', so I installed Linux.