We use a product called Right Fax. I need to create a process where the user can send a fax. Someone mentioned a tif file, can someone shed some light here.
I send thousands of Access Reports automatically daily via RightFax. You don't need a tif file. Rightfax will convert the Access Report to it's own image format, using PCL or whatever, and then fax it fine.
For the Access report, you must have the following:
2 controls, call one txtToFax, the other txtToName.
The value you can set in a table field that is the source of the fax, or a query. But the fields must contain the following:
txtToFax must contain
txtToName must contain
<TONAMEersons Name>
Also, you should make these fields in Printer fonts, such as the Courier 10pt, these have the little printer icon next to them in the font list. Don't use TrueType font for these fields.
Thank you so much for the information.
I will institute it tomorrow morning, one thing...
The text field containing the value <TOFAXNUM:555-555-1212>...that goes into the controlsource property? and is stored on the actual access report ? Correct?
Then I invoke it with the docmd.sendObject ..... right?
First, yes, the <TOFAXNUM:555-555-1212> goes in the controlsource, but the syntax for controlsource, is:
If you have a source table that contains a tofax field, it would be:
="<TOFAXNUM:" & [tofax] & ">"
Keep in mind that this control itself can't be named 'tofax', since that would cause a circular reference.
The way I store the fax-to numbers is in a separate table, and I do a cartesion join and put a Where clause on my tblFaxTo table so I don't get duplicate records on the main report table. I can get into that more if you like.
Anyway, on the other question--No--instead of SendObject, I just do the normal OpenReport. The report is set with the "Specific Printer" in Page Setup. This is the Rightfax printer, which you should have set up in your Printers. Be sure to go into the port options and for Print Processor you must select WinPrint, or else you'll get a Rightfax dialog to enter the number (even though you've already got it) when you print the report.
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