I am createing a database view and need to have a case statement when the Unit Price field is equal to zero, I want to add the material cost and burden cost and return it to the unit price field.
esetially, IIf([dbo_CUST_order_line.unit_price]=0,[dbo_Part.UNIT_MATERIAL_COST]+[dbo_Part.UNIT_BURDEN_COST],[dbo_CUST_order_line.unit_price]) AS price
however I can not get this to work in SQL Qery Analyser....
esetially, IIf([dbo_CUST_order_line.unit_price]=0,[dbo_Part.UNIT_MATERIAL_COST]+[dbo_Part.UNIT_BURDEN_COST],[dbo_CUST_order_line.unit_price]) AS price
however I can not get this to work in SQL Qery Analyser....