I have the following line of Access vba code:
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblEventDnloadTest (event_type varchar(6), sub_event_type varchar(6), res_type varchar(1), res_id varchar(12), date_stamp varchar(12), time_stamp varchar(12), duration varchar(12));"
The only SQL data type that I have gotten to work is "varchar". I would like some of these fields to be numbers, but so far "digital" hasn't worked, "numeric" hasn't worked, "number" hasn't worked. I just need integer level precision (no decimals). What's the magic word I need here???
If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, sand off the corners.
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblEventDnloadTest (event_type varchar(6), sub_event_type varchar(6), res_type varchar(1), res_id varchar(12), date_stamp varchar(12), time_stamp varchar(12), duration varchar(12));"
The only SQL data type that I have gotten to work is "varchar". I would like some of these fields to be numbers, but so far "digital" hasn't worked, "numeric" hasn't worked, "number" hasn't worked. I just need integer level precision (no decimals). What's the magic word I need here???
If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, sand off the corners.