I while back a wrote a VBScript that used the Sleep() function to temporarily pause execution of the scipt. It was doing a bunch of file operations in a for...next loop on a rather slow system, and this was the only way I could allow for enough time for files to be closed before starting the next operation.
I have an ASP script that could benefit from this function also but it doesn't work. In the VBScript, it's called as WScript.Sleep(time_in_milliseconds), so I would imagine it's something supported by the Windows Scripting Host and not IIS. Is there any way at all to get this function to work in an ASP script, or is there another function similar to this that does work in ASP?
I have an ASP script that could benefit from this function also but it doesn't work. In the VBScript, it's called as WScript.Sleep(time_in_milliseconds), so I would imagine it's something supported by the Windows Scripting Host and not IIS. Is there any way at all to get this function to work in an ASP script, or is there another function similar to this that does work in ASP?