Hi all,
I have a field that contains business names. Some have in them LLC or L.L.O. as part of their names. Unfortunately, these have been added in various ways. So I need to Add a formula that serches in the Clients.Name field for any of:
LLC, L L C, L.L.C. L. L. C.
LLO, L L O, L.L.O. L. L. O.
ignore the case as some have been entered as Llc
These are at the end of the company name.
Thanks for any help with this!
I have a field that contains business names. Some have in them LLC or L.L.O. as part of their names. Unfortunately, these have been added in various ways. So I need to Add a formula that serches in the Clients.Name field for any of:
LLC, L L C, L.L.C. L. L. C.
LLO, L L O, L.L.O. L. L. O.
ignore the case as some have been entered as Llc
These are at the end of the company name.
Thanks for any help with this!