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need "exact match within string" in search algo

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Mar 31, 2001
Using asp to query Access 97 db on IIS5

I need to find exact matches for search terms within a string. EG "cat" will find cat but not catastrophe.

I cannot use "=" as that would match the whole string and I only want to find the exact match within the string.

I am trying "like '%[!a-z][search term][!a-z]%'" which is pretty clumsy and also doesn't pick up the search term if it is at the beginning of a sentence.

Can anyone help me with the syntax here? I have racked my brains coming up with all sorts of convoluted solutions that all end up having a flaw. I am sure there must be some operator within SQL as there is in FMP but I cannot find it.

Thanks all

Hi Onya,
Well...in Access if you were to query for Cat and want to get "Catagory" or "Catastrophe", you're criteria would be:

Like "cat*"

and if grabbing data off of an Access form:

Like [Forms]![NameOfTheForm]![NameOfTheField] & "*"

ASP to query Access 97 db on IIS5...not a clue... but perhaps these ideas will head you in a the right direction.
Hope it helps!

Geeze did I read that backwards. Pitch the like and "*" for an even better idea. (nap time gord.) :) Gord
thank Gord, thanks for the relpy,

maybe I didn't explain my problem well enough.

Like *at* gets "at" "cat" "catastrophe" "attention" etc

Like at* gets "attention" only

how do I get "at" from within a string? =at matches the whole string. I want to get an exact match on a substring within a string. Follow?

Hi Onya,
If you have Access you probably have the Northwinds sample database. If you could find it then open it and open a new query, no selected table, in design view. Click on the SQL button top left, and paste this in:

SELECT Customers.CompanyName, IIf(InStr([CompanyName],"at")=0,"at") AS HopeThisIsWhatYouAreAfter
FROM Customers
WHERE (((IIf(InStr([CompanyName],"at")=0,"at")) Is Not Null));

Then flip the query to regular view. This is the InStr function within "Immediate If" (IIF) to give you a result that is...hopefully what you're after! I think from there you can modify the idea to suit your needs. :) Gord
A week ago I had Office 97 running under Windows 95. I had to upgrade to Windows 98. Now my SQL containing function LEFT and MID won't work. InStr is working though.
What do I have to do to get my SQL working.
This SQL is suposed to find all teams named United in a database and replace it with a U;
i.e. Abingson United becomes Abingon U
SET [CP1996P].AT =
Left([CP1996P].[AT],InStr([CP1996P].[AT]," United")) & "U"
WHERE (((InStr([CP1996P].[AT]," United"))>"0")) AND YR>1999;
I understand that there were some other people find problems running Office 97 in WIndows 98 but I could not find any resolution.
KavJack, Check in VB Tools-References. You need MS DAO 3.6 Object Library and possibly VB for apps Extensibility 5.3 . The priority is really important so try to compile the code, then if unsucessful, move them around till it does. On the computer in front of me (2000) I have VB for Apps, MS Access 9.0 (97=8), OLE Automation, DAO 3.6 (97=3.5x) and ActiveX D.O. 2.1 in that order. No "Missing" stuff either. If this fails, make a new empty Db and import all your old stuff (don't forget tool/menu bars) in to the new, and try again.
Thanks Gord, however that routine finds entries that do not contain the search term. I am still looking for an answer.

So far I am using

SELECT * from Table WHERE (' ' & Field) LIKE %[!#,?]TERM[!#,?]%

with some success. Any imrpovements anyone?

Onya (Aussie Greeting)
WozFromOz (Name) HeHe!
I've got it now!
Sorry mate, une petite problemé avec la langue ici! (a small problem with the language here).... :)

I really don't know ASP but you must have an option other than Like? You want a specific result in your query, so must have to be able to ask a specific question some way.

I'll leave you in the capable hands of others...

Onya WozFromOz!
SELECT tblGrade.StuName, tblGrade.Asgn01,
IIf(InStr([StuName],&quot;Carr&quot;)<>0,True,False) AS MYGuy
FROM tblGrade
WHERE (((IIf(InStr([StuName],&quot;Carr&quot;)<>0,True,False))=True));

Standard select stuff from table/recordsource
SELECT tblGrade.StuName, tblGrade.Asgn01,

Create a field which is TRUE where the string exists
IIf(InStr([StuName],&quot;Carr&quot;)<>0,True,False) AS MYGuy

Standard Statement of Recordsource
FROM tblGrade

Conditional to select the desired records
WHERE (((IIf(InStr([StuName],&quot;Carr&quot;)<>0,True,False))=True));

Gord really has it - he just needs some Twinkies and a Coke!!!


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
Nup! Still won't work but thanks anyway Michael. You syntax still only picks up &quot;carr&quot; as the whole field as there are no delimiters on either side.

You are aparently not implementing this properly. I used it on a small recordset to retrieve the record for &quot;Carroll&quot; and it does select the record. I do not know how you went about it but however you did it, it is not 'propper' (e.g. following the example) because it does work.


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
As did I with my sample Michael. Woz seems to be working with~in ASP. :) Gord
Gord & Micahel, thanks very much for you help but I think you are still missing my request. My fault for not explaing enough.

I tried both your suggestions in access and asp (pretty much the same thing) and they do work but they don't do what I want. They both find the occurence of a substring within the string regardless of the surroundings. I only want to find the occurence if the substring is a complete word within the string.

So, if I am searching for &quot;cat&quot; I only want a result if &quot;cat&quot; is present as a complete word and not if the three letters cat are part of a longer word.

So, search for an exact match on &quot;cat: within the string finds &quot;It was a cat on the roof&quot; but not &quot;It was a catastropy at the park&quot;. Gotit?

I am sorry but it seems to be a really difficult one to explain. Digging through several fora I have seen quite a few people ask the same question with no luck.

Hi Woz,
If you have the Northwinds sample database (you should if you have Access) find it and open a new query. No table. select SQL view and paste this:

SELECT Customers.CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE (((Customers.CompanyName)=&quot;Mère Paillarde&quot;));

and flip to datasheetview. 1 criteria, 1 result exact match only.

Sur Toi (Onya)

If I may interject --

Could you not search for the string you are looking for and just place a space on either side of the string??

Would this not ensure that the string existed as a complete word??

I might be completely off base, but it seems like that might work.

So, there are three cases?

In the following, &quot;space&quot; actually refers to any NON-PRINTING character (an actual space), punctuation, or 'high ascii). Or PERHAPS anthing not in the range of &quot;a-&quot;z&quot; or &quot;A-Z&quot;.

1. No leading space & &quot;Word&quot; & trailing space(Start of Field)

2. Leading space, & &quot;Word&quot; And trailing space(embeded in the field)

3. Leading space& &quot;Word&quot; & no trailing space(end of field)

If this is &quot;correct&quot;, then it IS more difficult - but still emminently doable. I would implement part of this in a module called from the query:

SELECT tblGrade.StuName, tblGrade.Asgn01, basCheckForFullString(&quot;Carroll&quot;,[StuName]) AS MYGuy
FROM tblGrade
WHERE (((basCheckForFullString(&quot;Carroll&quot;,[StuName]))=True));

Public Function basCheckForFullString(StrIn As String, FieldIn As String) As Boolean

    'Check for the existance of StrIn within FieldIn as a WHOLE word

    Dim SubStrPos As Integer
    Dim FieldLen As Integer
    Dim SubStrLen As Integer
    Dim EndChr(1) As String * 1             'Lead/Trail Chrs

    SubStrLen = Len(StrIn)
    FieldLen = Len(FieldIn)

    SubStrPos = 1               'Init Start Pos for InStr

    'Just check if it exists
    SubStrPos = InStr(SubStrPos, FieldIn, StrIn)

    'Trivial Cases: Not Present.
    If (SubStrPos = 0) Then                 'Pos = 0 ==> Not here
        basCheckForFullString = False       'Redundant/ more to SHOW
        Exit Function                       'Go Back
    End If

    'We only get here if StrIn is part of FieldIn
    'Trivial Cases: Whole Field
    If (SubStrLen = FieldLen) Then          'The SubStr IS the Field
        basCheckForFullString = True
        Exit Function
    End If

    'At least POSSIBLE complexity
    Do While SubStrPos <> 0     'Loop for all occurances of StrIn

        'Now, we know it is there - SOMEWHERE
        If (SubStrPos = 1) Then                 'SubStr at start
            'Get char following (If any)
            EndChr(1) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos + SubStrLen)
            If (UCase(EndChr(1)) <= &quot;A&quot; Or UCase(EndChr(1)) >= &quot;Z&quot;) Then
                'It exists as a &quot;Whole Word&quot;, so just say so
                basCheckForFullString = True
                Exit Function
                'BUT, the next char is 'normal' so it's NOT a match
                GoTo NxtPos
            End If
        End If

        If (SubStrPos + SubStrLen - 1 = FieldLen) Then   'SubStr at End
            'Get char Preceeding (If any)
            EndChr(0) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos - 1)
            If (UCase(EndChr(0)) <= &quot;A&quot; Or UCase(EndChr(0)) >= &quot;Z&quot;) Then
                'It exists as a &quot;Whole Word&quot;, so just say so
                basCheckForFullString = True
                Exit Function
                'BUT, the next char is 'normal' so it's NOT a match
                GoTo NxtPos
            End If
        End If

        'Here, only if StrIn is 'buried' in FieldIn
        EndChr(0) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos - 1)
        EndChr(1) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos + SubStrLen)
        If ((UCase(EndChr(0)) <= &quot;A&quot; Or UCase(EndChr(0)) >= &quot;Z&quot;) And _
            (UCase(EndChr(1)) <= &quot;A&quot; Or UCase(EndChr(1)) >= &quot;Z&quot;)) Then
           basCheckForFullString = True
           Exit Function
        End If

        'See if there is another instance.
        SubStrPos = InStr(SubStrPos + 1, FieldIn, StrIn)

End Function

So, try this one - IF my assumptions are Correct. NOTE, this is NOT case sensitive.


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over

not off base - but incomplete. Excludes instances where the 'string' is the first or last &quot;word&quot; (substring) in the field and where the &quot;word&quot; is preceeded or followed by punctuation or other non-printing characters.

Actually, the soloution I just posted is probably not complete, as I did not check for numerals, So searching for &quot;CAT&quot; will find a match for &quot;cat5&quot;. Oh, well it is getting closer - and more complicated.

Backin a few with this wrinkle!


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
O.K. I think I've covered this territority. Some poor soul needs to check some additional / other / more cases? BUt it appears to work on my testing.

Public Function basCheckForFullString(StrIn As String, FieldIn As String) As Boolean

    'Check for the existance of StrIn within FieldIn as a WHOLE word

    Dim SubStrPos As Integer
    Dim FieldLen As Integer
    Dim SubStrLen As Integer
    Dim EndChr(1) As String * 1             'Lead/Trail Chrs
    Dim OkFlg As Boolean

    SubStrLen = Len(StrIn)
    FieldLen = Len(FieldIn)

    SubStrPos = 1               'Init Start Pos for InStr

    'Just check if it exists
    SubStrPos = InStr(SubStrPos, FieldIn, StrIn)

    'Trivial Cases: Not Present.
    If (SubStrPos = 0) Then                 'Pos = 0 ==> Not here
        basCheckForFullString = False       'Redundant/ more to SHOW
        Exit Function                       'Go Back
    End If

    'We only get here if StrIn is part of FieldIn
    'Trivial Cases: Whole Field
    If (SubStrLen = FieldLen) Then          'The SubStr IS the Field
        basCheckForFullString = True
        Exit Function
    End If

    'At least POSSIBLE complexity
    Do While SubStrPos <> 0     'Loop for all occurances of StrIn

        'Make sure the ends are not leftovers
        EndChr(0) = &quot;&quot;
        EndChr(1) = &quot;&quot;

        'Now, we know it is there - SOMEWHERE
        If (SubStrPos = 1) Then                 'SubStr at start
            'Get char following (If any)
            EndChr(1) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos + SubStrLen)
            GoSub ChkEndChr
            If (OkFlg) Then
                'It exists as a &quot;Whole Word&quot;, so just say so
                basCheckForFullString = True
                Exit Function
                'BUT, the next char is 'normal' so it's NOT a match
                GoTo NxtPos
            End If
        End If

        If (SubStrPos + SubStrLen - 1 = FieldLen) Then   'SubStr at End
            'Get char Preceeding (If any)
            EndChr(0) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos - 1)
            GoSub ChkEndChr
            If (OkFlg) Then
                basCheckForFullString = True
                Exit Function
                'BUT, the next char is 'normal' so it's NOT a match
                GoTo NxtPos
            End If
        End If

        'Here, only if StrIn is 'buried' in FieldIn
        EndChr(0) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos - 1)
        EndChr(1) = Mid(FieldIn, SubStrPos + SubStrLen)
        GoSub ChkEndChr
        If (OkFlg) Then
           basCheckForFullString = True
           Exit Function
           'BUT, the next char is 'normal' so it's NOT a match
           GoTo NxtPos
        End If

        'See if there is another instance.
        SubStrPos = InStr(SubStrPos + 1, FieldIn, StrIn)

    GoTo NormExit

    OkFlg = True    'Assume the BEST

    For Idx = 0 To UBound(EndChr)
        Select Case UCase(EndChr(Idx))
            Case &quot;A&quot; To &quot;Z&quot;
                OkFlg = False
            Case &quot;0&quot; To &quot;9&quot;
                OkFlg = False
        End Select
    Next Idx

    Return          'Must Be O.K?

End Function


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
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Part and Inventory Search

