I've got a page which displays a table with some image buttons inside. Next, I have a script inside that page which should hide/show each of these images.
(Actually, the are mouseovers in a table which should be enabled/disabled). The problem is that I cannot get it to work stable on NS4.7 (IE is no problem whatsover). I know that I should stop supporting NS4 and go for NS6 or something, but I am under boss-pressure here.
I need the layer in order to hide/show the image, but I cannot get the mouseover to work. And even if I hide the image, the hyperlink is still clickable.
Help please?
(Actually, the are mouseovers in a table which should be enabled/disabled). The problem is that I cannot get it to work stable on NS4.7 (IE is no problem whatsover). I know that I should stop supporting NS4 and go for NS6 or something, but I am under boss-pressure here.
<div name=layLink id=layLink style="position:relative; left:0; top:0; visibility: hidden">
<a href="Javascript:DoButtonAction(1); onMouseOver="ImageOn('Link');" onMouseOut="ImageOff('Link')">
<IMG src="button.gif" id="Link" name="Link" border="0" alt="">
I need the layer in order to hide/show the image, but I cannot get the mouseover to work. And even if I hide the image, the hyperlink is still clickable.
Help please?