Hi Guys,
I badly need help regarding the script I am creating. (i am really not a scripter).
I have this script below to request a certificate from my CA server. This script will request a certificate up to the Nth user and export the certs as well as the private key to a local folder.
However, upon checking the certificate, the "Subject" is not what I desired to be (ssotest00x) and becomes the current user who ran the script.
I know there should be a way to do this and the ides are coming in but I can't still figure out what to do..
Need help
#Read the instructions document before running.
New-Item C:\Certificates-temp-folder -type directory -Force
cd C:\Certificates-temp-folder
for ($i=1;$i -le 2; $i++)
Add-Content C:\Certificates-temp-folder\req$i.inf "[NewRequest]`r`nSubject=`"cn=ssotest00$i,O=XXXX-XX,C=US`"`r`nRequestType=pkcs10`r`n`r`n[RequestAttributes]`r`nCertificateTemplate=SSOUserNew`r`n`r`n[Extensions]`r`n2.5.29.17 = `"{text}`"`r`n_continue_=`"EMail=ssotest00$i@test.com`""
certreq -new req$i.inf certnew$i.req
certreq -submit -config "ssoserver\SSO_CA" certnew$i.req certnew$i.cer
certreq -accept certnew$i.cer
certutil -privatekey -p "ssotest00$i" -exportpfx -user ssotest00$i@test.com ssotest00$i.p12
#del C:\Certificates-temp-folder\req$i.inf
#del C:\Certificates-temp-folder\certnew$i.req
#del C:\Certificates-temp-folder\certnew$i.cer
Thanks in advance.
I badly need help regarding the script I am creating. (i am really not a scripter).
I have this script below to request a certificate from my CA server. This script will request a certificate up to the Nth user and export the certs as well as the private key to a local folder.
However, upon checking the certificate, the "Subject" is not what I desired to be (ssotest00x) and becomes the current user who ran the script.
I know there should be a way to do this and the ides are coming in but I can't still figure out what to do..
Need help
#Read the instructions document before running.
New-Item C:\Certificates-temp-folder -type directory -Force
cd C:\Certificates-temp-folder
for ($i=1;$i -le 2; $i++)
Add-Content C:\Certificates-temp-folder\req$i.inf "[NewRequest]`r`nSubject=`"cn=ssotest00$i,O=XXXX-XX,C=US`"`r`nRequestType=pkcs10`r`n`r`n[RequestAttributes]`r`nCertificateTemplate=SSOUserNew`r`n`r`n[Extensions]`r`n2.5.29.17 = `"{text}`"`r`n_continue_=`"EMail=ssotest00$i@test.com`""
certreq -new req$i.inf certnew$i.req
certreq -submit -config "ssoserver\SSO_CA" certnew$i.req certnew$i.cer
certreq -accept certnew$i.cer
certutil -privatekey -p "ssotest00$i" -exportpfx -user ssotest00$i@test.com ssotest00$i.p12
#del C:\Certificates-temp-folder\req$i.inf
#del C:\Certificates-temp-folder\certnew$i.req
#del C:\Certificates-temp-folder\certnew$i.cer
Thanks in advance.