I have a parameter that is a date range: {?Rpt Date Range}. I want to use the Year function to isolate just the year, so I set up a formula for variable "Year1": Minimum(?Rpt Date Range). I want to then substiture the "Year1" variable in the Date Function in place of the YYYY argument). Ex: IF {Slip.Slip.Date} in Date(Year1,1,1) to Date(Year1,1,31)... First question: CAN I use a variable in the place of the YYYY argument? And if I can, I am concerned about the format of the "Year1" variable. If I print it on the report for testing purposes, it appears as "2,002.00". Second question: Do I need to convert "Year1" variable to "2002" before using it as the substitute for YYYY? And if so, how can I convert it to just "2002"? Thanks for your help!
-- Steve Ikard
-- Steve Ikard