I found this great Polaroid flash that I would like to use on my main page as the menu.
I’m completely new at XML and I just can’t figure out how to add a link to every Polaroid (on click go to a new webpage)
Anybody out there willing to help me out?
Many thanks in advance as this has giving me a huge headache for the last couple of days!
and this is the action code in my Flash:
// <imports>
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
// </imports>
// <vars>
var photoHolder = new Array();
var skalerTempo = 3;
var thumbStr = 30;
var stageHeight = Stage.height;
var stageWidth = Stage.width;
// </vars>
// <init>
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("sideGlow", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
// </init>
// <generer fotovariabler>
flickrTAGS = (flickrTAGS) ? flickrTAGS:"";
xmlURL = (xmlURL) ? xmlURL:"main.xml";
xmlURL = (flickrID) ? "////
// Flickr feed
var loadet_xml:XML = new XML();
loadet_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
loadet_xml.onLoad = function (success){
var loop = (flickrID) ? loadet_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes:loadet_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
var num = 0;
if (flickrID) {
for (var i = 0;i < loop.length;i++) {
if (loop.nodeName == "item") {
var loop2 = loop.childNodes;
photoHolder[num] = new Array();
for (var i2 = 0;i2 < loop2.length;i2++) {
if (loop2[i2].nodeName == "media:content") {
photoHolder[num].url = loop2[i2].attributes.url;
else if (loop2[i2].nodeName == "title") {
photoHolder[num].desc = loop2[i2].firstChild;
else {
for (i=0;i < loop.length;i++) {
photoHolder = loop.attributes;
delete loadet_xml;
// </generer fotovariabler>
// <bygg polaroids>
function byggBilder() {
for (i=0;i < photoHolder.length;i++) {
mc = _root.attachMovie("fotoHolder","fotoHolder"+i,_root.getNextHighestDepth(),{_xscale:thumbStr, _yscale:thumbStr,_rotation:30 - 60*Math.random()});
mc.txt.text = photoHolder.desc;
if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) {
// tilfeldig y akse
mc._y = (Stage.height*Math.random())+(mc._height*2);
if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) mc._x = Stage.width+(mc._width*2);
else mc._x = -(mc._width*2);
else {
// tilfeldig x akse
mc._x = (Stage.width*Math.random())+(mc._width*2);
if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) mc._y = Stage.height+(mc._height*2);
else mc._y = -(mc._height*2);
mc.newX = Math.round((mc._width/2) + (Stage.width-mc._width)*Math.random());
mc.newY = Math.round((mc._height/2) + (Stage.height-mc._height)*Math.random());
mc.oldRotation = mc._rotation;
mc.oldX = mc.newX;
mc.oldY = mc.newY;
mc.startX = mc._x;
mc.startY = mc._y;
mc.oldHeight = mc._yscale;
mc.oldWidth = mc._xscale;
mc.id = i;
mc.onEnterFrame = fotoAnimer;
mc.filters = [fotoSkygge];
mc.dragPol.onPress = drag;
mc.dragPol.onReleaseOutside = mc.dragPol.onRelease = stopdrag;
photoHolder.mc = mc;
delete mc;
antallBilder = i;
function lastBilde(mc, url) {
lastBildeH.loadClip(url, (flickrID) ? mc.bildeHolder:mc.tmp);
var lastBildeH:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var lastBildeHL:Object = new Object();
lastBildeHL.onLoadStart = function(mc:MovieClip):Void {
loaderFarge = new Color(mc._parent.preloader);
mc._parent.preloader.loadtxt.text = "";
mc._parent.preloader._y = -10;
mc._visible = false;
lastBildeHL.onLoadProgress = function(mc:MovieClip, numBytesLoaded:Number, numBytesTotal:Number):Void {
var numPercentLoaded:Number = numBytesLoaded / numBytesTotal * 100;
mc._parent.preloader.percent._width = numPercentLoaded;
lastBildeHL.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip) {
var mc2 = mc._parent.bildeHolder;
if (!flickrID) {
var myBitmap = new BitmapData(mc._width, mc._height,true,0xFFFFFF);
mc._parent.bildeHolder.attachBitmap(myBitmap, mc._parent.bildeHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), "auto", true);
// scale and place image
var wP = 468/mc2._width;
var hP = 450/mc2._height;
mc2._width *= (wP < hP) ? hP:wP;
mc2._height *= (wP < hP) ? hP:wP;
mc2._x += -((mc2._width-468)/2);
mc2._y += -((mc2._height-450)/2);
mc2._visible = true;
// </bygg polaroids>
// <hjelpeboks>
help._x = 42;
help._y = 48;
help.filters = [fotoSkygge];
// </hjelpeboks>
function rensFilm() {
for (i=0;i<antallBilder;i++) {
mc = eval("fotoHolder"+i);
mc.oldY = mc.startY;
mc.oldX = mc.startX;
mc.onEnterFrame = fotoAnimerTilbake;
function fotoAnimer() {
this._y += (this.newY-this._y)/skalerTempo;
this._x += (this.newX-this._x)/skalerTempo;
if (Math.round(this._y) == this.newY) delete this.onEnterFrame;
function fotoAnimerTilbake() {
this._y += (this.oldY-this._y)/skalerTempo;
this._x += (this.oldX-this._x)/skalerTempo;
this._xscale += (this.oldWidth-this._xscale)/skalerTempo;
this._yscale += (this.oldHeight-this._yscale)/skalerTempo;
this._rotation += (this.oldRotation-this._rotation)/skalerTempo;
this.nesteKnapp._alpha += (0-this.nesteKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
this.forrigeKnapp._alpha += (0-this.forrigeKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
if ((Math.round(this._y) == this.oldY) && (Math.round(this._x) == this.oldX)) {
delete this.nesteKnapp.onRelease;
delete this.forrigeKnapp.onRelease;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function fotoSkaler() {
this._xscale += (100-this._xscale)/skalerTempo;
this._yscale += (100-this._yscale)/skalerTempo;
this._rotation += (this.newRotation-this._rotation)/skalerTempo;
this._x += ((Stage.width/2)-this._x)/skalerTempo;
this._y += ((Stage.height/2)-this._y)/skalerTempo;
this.nesteKnapp._alpha += (60-this.nesteKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
this.forrigeKnapp._alpha += (60-this.forrigeKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
if (Math.round(this._width) == this.newWidth) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function drag() {
if ((fotoSomBlirVist != this._parent) && (!this._parent.onEnterFrame)) this._parent.startDrag();
if (!this.click) {
this.click = true;
this.timer = getTimer()/1000;
else {
this.timer2 = getTimer()/1000;
if ((this.timer2-this.timer)<.25) {
else {
this.timer = getTimer()/1000;
this.click = true;
if (fotoSomBlirVist) fotoSomBlirVist.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());
function stopdrag() {
mc = this._parent;
if ((fotoSomBlirVist != mc) && (!mc.onEnterFrame)) {
mc.oldX = Math.round(mc._x);
mc.oldY = Math.round(mc._y);
function visFoto() {
if (fotoSomBlirVist) fotoSomBlirVist.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());
var stageL:Object = new Object();
stageL.onResize = function() {
for (i=0;i<antallBilder;i++) {
mc = eval("fotoHolder"+i);
if (mc != fotoSomBlirVist) {
mc._x = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc._x/stageWidth));
mc._y = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc._y/stageHeight));
else {
fotoSomBlirVist._x = Stage.width/2;
fotoSomBlirVist._y = Stage.height/2;
mc.oldX = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc.oldX/stageWidth));
mc.oldY = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc.oldY/stageHeight));
mc.newX = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc.newX/stageWidth));
mc.newY = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc.newY/stageHeight));
mc.startX = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc.startX/stageWidth));
mc.startY = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc.startY/stageHeight));
stageWidth = Stage.width;
stageHeight = Stage.height;
I’m completely new at XML and I just can’t figure out how to add a link to every Polaroid (on click go to a new webpage)
Anybody out there willing to help me out?
Many thanks in advance as this has giving me a huge headache for the last couple of days!
and this is the action code in my Flash:
// <imports>
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
// </imports>
// <vars>
var photoHolder = new Array();
var skalerTempo = 3;
var thumbStr = 30;
var stageHeight = Stage.height;
var stageWidth = Stage.width;
// </vars>
// <init>
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("sideGlow", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
// </init>
// <generer fotovariabler>
flickrTAGS = (flickrTAGS) ? flickrTAGS:"";
xmlURL = (xmlURL) ? xmlURL:"main.xml";
xmlURL = (flickrID) ? "////
// Flickr feed
var loadet_xml:XML = new XML();
loadet_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
loadet_xml.onLoad = function (success){
var loop = (flickrID) ? loadet_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes:loadet_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
var num = 0;
if (flickrID) {
for (var i = 0;i < loop.length;i++) {
if (loop.nodeName == "item") {
var loop2 = loop.childNodes;
photoHolder[num] = new Array();
for (var i2 = 0;i2 < loop2.length;i2++) {
if (loop2[i2].nodeName == "media:content") {
photoHolder[num].url = loop2[i2].attributes.url;
else if (loop2[i2].nodeName == "title") {
photoHolder[num].desc = loop2[i2].firstChild;
else {
for (i=0;i < loop.length;i++) {
photoHolder = loop.attributes;
delete loadet_xml;
// </generer fotovariabler>
// <bygg polaroids>
function byggBilder() {
for (i=0;i < photoHolder.length;i++) {
mc = _root.attachMovie("fotoHolder","fotoHolder"+i,_root.getNextHighestDepth(),{_xscale:thumbStr, _yscale:thumbStr,_rotation:30 - 60*Math.random()});
mc.txt.text = photoHolder.desc;
if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) {
// tilfeldig y akse
mc._y = (Stage.height*Math.random())+(mc._height*2);
if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) mc._x = Stage.width+(mc._width*2);
else mc._x = -(mc._width*2);
else {
// tilfeldig x akse
mc._x = (Stage.width*Math.random())+(mc._width*2);
if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) mc._y = Stage.height+(mc._height*2);
else mc._y = -(mc._height*2);
mc.newX = Math.round((mc._width/2) + (Stage.width-mc._width)*Math.random());
mc.newY = Math.round((mc._height/2) + (Stage.height-mc._height)*Math.random());
mc.oldRotation = mc._rotation;
mc.oldX = mc.newX;
mc.oldY = mc.newY;
mc.startX = mc._x;
mc.startY = mc._y;
mc.oldHeight = mc._yscale;
mc.oldWidth = mc._xscale;
mc.id = i;
mc.onEnterFrame = fotoAnimer;
mc.filters = [fotoSkygge];
mc.dragPol.onPress = drag;
mc.dragPol.onReleaseOutside = mc.dragPol.onRelease = stopdrag;
photoHolder.mc = mc;
delete mc;
antallBilder = i;
function lastBilde(mc, url) {
lastBildeH.loadClip(url, (flickrID) ? mc.bildeHolder:mc.tmp);
var lastBildeH:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var lastBildeHL:Object = new Object();
lastBildeHL.onLoadStart = function(mc:MovieClip):Void {
loaderFarge = new Color(mc._parent.preloader);
mc._parent.preloader.loadtxt.text = "";
mc._parent.preloader._y = -10;
mc._visible = false;
lastBildeHL.onLoadProgress = function(mc:MovieClip, numBytesLoaded:Number, numBytesTotal:Number):Void {
var numPercentLoaded:Number = numBytesLoaded / numBytesTotal * 100;
mc._parent.preloader.percent._width = numPercentLoaded;
lastBildeHL.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip) {
var mc2 = mc._parent.bildeHolder;
if (!flickrID) {
var myBitmap = new BitmapData(mc._width, mc._height,true,0xFFFFFF);
mc._parent.bildeHolder.attachBitmap(myBitmap, mc._parent.bildeHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), "auto", true);
// scale and place image
var wP = 468/mc2._width;
var hP = 450/mc2._height;
mc2._width *= (wP < hP) ? hP:wP;
mc2._height *= (wP < hP) ? hP:wP;
mc2._x += -((mc2._width-468)/2);
mc2._y += -((mc2._height-450)/2);
mc2._visible = true;
// </bygg polaroids>
// <hjelpeboks>
help._x = 42;
help._y = 48;
help.filters = [fotoSkygge];
// </hjelpeboks>
function rensFilm() {
for (i=0;i<antallBilder;i++) {
mc = eval("fotoHolder"+i);
mc.oldY = mc.startY;
mc.oldX = mc.startX;
mc.onEnterFrame = fotoAnimerTilbake;
function fotoAnimer() {
this._y += (this.newY-this._y)/skalerTempo;
this._x += (this.newX-this._x)/skalerTempo;
if (Math.round(this._y) == this.newY) delete this.onEnterFrame;
function fotoAnimerTilbake() {
this._y += (this.oldY-this._y)/skalerTempo;
this._x += (this.oldX-this._x)/skalerTempo;
this._xscale += (this.oldWidth-this._xscale)/skalerTempo;
this._yscale += (this.oldHeight-this._yscale)/skalerTempo;
this._rotation += (this.oldRotation-this._rotation)/skalerTempo;
this.nesteKnapp._alpha += (0-this.nesteKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
this.forrigeKnapp._alpha += (0-this.forrigeKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
if ((Math.round(this._y) == this.oldY) && (Math.round(this._x) == this.oldX)) {
delete this.nesteKnapp.onRelease;
delete this.forrigeKnapp.onRelease;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function fotoSkaler() {
this._xscale += (100-this._xscale)/skalerTempo;
this._yscale += (100-this._yscale)/skalerTempo;
this._rotation += (this.newRotation-this._rotation)/skalerTempo;
this._x += ((Stage.width/2)-this._x)/skalerTempo;
this._y += ((Stage.height/2)-this._y)/skalerTempo;
this.nesteKnapp._alpha += (60-this.nesteKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
this.forrigeKnapp._alpha += (60-this.forrigeKnapp._alpha)/skalerTempo;
if (Math.round(this._width) == this.newWidth) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function drag() {
if ((fotoSomBlirVist != this._parent) && (!this._parent.onEnterFrame)) this._parent.startDrag();
if (!this.click) {
this.click = true;
this.timer = getTimer()/1000;
else {
this.timer2 = getTimer()/1000;
if ((this.timer2-this.timer)<.25) {
else {
this.timer = getTimer()/1000;
this.click = true;
if (fotoSomBlirVist) fotoSomBlirVist.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());
function stopdrag() {
mc = this._parent;
if ((fotoSomBlirVist != mc) && (!mc.onEnterFrame)) {
mc.oldX = Math.round(mc._x);
mc.oldY = Math.round(mc._y);
function visFoto() {
if (fotoSomBlirVist) fotoSomBlirVist.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());
var stageL:Object = new Object();
stageL.onResize = function() {
for (i=0;i<antallBilder;i++) {
mc = eval("fotoHolder"+i);
if (mc != fotoSomBlirVist) {
mc._x = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc._x/stageWidth));
mc._y = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc._y/stageHeight));
else {
fotoSomBlirVist._x = Stage.width/2;
fotoSomBlirVist._y = Stage.height/2;
mc.oldX = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc.oldX/stageWidth));
mc.oldY = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc.oldY/stageHeight));
mc.newX = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc.newX/stageWidth));
mc.newY = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc.newY/stageHeight));
mc.startX = Math.round(Stage.width * (mc.startX/stageWidth));
mc.startY = Math.round(Stage.height * (mc.startY/stageHeight));
stageWidth = Stage.width;
stageHeight = Stage.height;