I am having trouble getting columns to work correctly in a sub report. Basically, in the report header of the main report for a meeting I have a subreport that lists the attendees for the meeting. They want the attendees to be down then across since they are grouped within the subreport. The problem is that when I set the subreport object to "Can Grow" it takes away the column format. I need it to be able to grow as more or less attendees are listed but I also need it to space out evenly. i.e. if there are 9 attendees, it should have 3 columns of 3 names. If I make the subreport object larger it fills in the first column before it moves to the next. If I set Can Grow in the detail of the subreport it still doesn't work. Please help me get the proper combination of settings.
Thank you,
Thank you,